Can’t figure out what the problem is

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by HazeHaze, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. :passing-joint:I was feeding around 800-900 ppm then I noticed that the top buds was getting a burned look so then I watered only RO water with calmag for around a week and the leafs seems to me like a nutelock then continued water around 100-300ppm. they are at 9 weeks

    Temps: C°27-30/ 42-60 RH%

    Soil: biobizz light mix
    Watering PH: 6.2-7.0

    Nutes: plagron bloom

    Calmag: biobizz

    Light: 300W


    Attached Files:

  2. what a shame i really do not think those plants will recover well. I had that happen a few times and the harvest was horrible all because of over feeding and having low ph I know you didnt want to hear that but once the sugar leaves die off so do most of the trichomes and the end product is only suitable for edibles not smoking.
  3. try this: GWE Cannabis Nutrient Burn

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