Whats up. I have these excellent plants 3 1/2 wks into flower and now am starting to see seeds here and there . I have never had anything herm and am not sure what is what so i have a few pics posted, maybe you guys can help me out. the 1st and 2nd pics are what i think may be a premature seed taken from a node right under a bud. The 3rd pic is off the same plant and is a full blown seed. My question is: is the first pic a premature seed or just a swollen calyx? I have taken a few of these off and before i go hunting for what i think is seeds i wanted to make sure thats indeed what they are. The 4th pic is of a plant that i took a couple of these things off, it is sooo nice, it smells like candy and i would hate for any seeds or to lose the 6 left of that strain because of polination reasons. I have 3 strains in there and the most abundant strain does not show any signs of seeds (although i pruned them the same way). Maybe because i pruned them this way it could have stressed this strain and caused it to herm? The 5th pic shows the pruning done over 2 weeks (spaced one week apart). Also, does it take longer to flower indoor soil than it does to flower indoor hydro? and if so, how much longer? Thanks for the help in advance
iv just had two bubblicious that got pollinated by a ak 47 male and they were full of seeds wen i first had my suspicions that it had been pollinated i pulled off the calyx and opened it to see wat was in side it and sure enuff a seed popt out so if you carefully open it and a seed is in side you got your answer brov
Thanks for the help but u see that first pic? I want to know if that is a premature seed. If it is then I'm gonna have my hands full removing these f***ers. I have 6 of this strain and it seems like it may be the best strain i ever ran across. This is one of the few things I hate about marijuana, herming is a survival mechanism of marijuana to reproduce itself. It does this by internally raising levels of gibberellen (growth hormone) which causes females to grow male flowers. It is caused by a number of things but in my case I think these gorgeous ladies just couldn't take the stresses of the pruning I had done. I will try and salvage what I can I guess. Oh well, I guess it's a learning experience. That's basically how gardening skill is developed; through trial and error, at least for me. Has anyone tried reverse from Dutch master? I think it causes marijuana growing male parts to start growing female ones, if I remember correctly. think it may be too late for me but was wondering for future if it burns or causes undesirable smell or taste or any undesirable effects for that matter. Thanks fellas and good luck, some strains herm easier than others so be careful.
to be honest i can't tell sorry bro but open it and you will be able to tell if its a seed very easy as they develop very fast
hello , so i have been readin the marijuana growers bible, and i i understand that magical book correctly and your issue, it seems as though your girls grew their own male flowers, pollinated themselves, and grew seed all on the same plant? if this is the case you could actually have feminized seeds on your hands that you grew, if this is right, you lucked out (if you want this or want more seeds) but i could easily be mistaken, i hope this helps.
@Cody: nah they did not polinate themselves. I have other plants in there that are full female. @Cali: yes I stressed em. They are kryptonite but my friends have harvested from the same mom and they were full female. So I know caused this. If u get a chance to get this strain take it. Its fruity
calyx's swell up when they are flowering. but that is definately a calyx. and seeds come from them when pollinated. if you have no hermies and no males(and never have) then it is a swolen calyx. your thread title is a trick question cuz even if there is a seed in there, it is still a calyx.
if you recommend taking that strain but they cant even take the pruning stress then i'm not sure why you would use this strain. strong strains should be able to handle large amounts of stress if most of the conditions are correct in your room. were there other stresses such as heat or high nute strength? I thought the calyx's were beginning seeds when i was trimming my bud but i realized they were just fatttttt calyx's so it could be either one but there were dark spots on the calyx that you cut off and i didnt see that at all.
Are you sure it's from the pruning? How long of an interval between pruning and the appearance of the seeds? The reason I ask is that I'm virtuall a week away from harvest, and we've had what appears to be herming happening with 3 of our 4 primary plants, all of which were sexed out of unknown bag seed. I did some moderate "manicuring" - only sun and a few fan leaves - on one of my DWC/BB plants. The other two that are also herming had nothing done to them. Also, my manicuring was done probably about 3 weeks ago, and the seeds are just now showing up. Since we're so close, we're going to pull everything except the other BB plant, which is showing the largest, tightest, longest tops and colas of anything (thankfully) and is thus far not showing any sign of herm traits. It's hard for me to identify a hard, fast reason for the herming, but right now, I'm prepared to chalk it up to genetics since 2 of the 3 plants that are herming weren't manicured/pruned in any way. Just sayin'......
This gives me pause. I snipped a few "seeds" (they sure as hell looked like seeds, or the start of them) and pinched them between my fingers. They were full of clear liquid. Are these simply swollen calyxes, and should I let my plants go another week or two?
uh negative, im pretty sure you just cut off the original preflowers there man. they are the first ones that normally swell and look to completion. there can be a couple around whereever your plant preflowered. did you find a seed in it or somthing? if its soft and theres nothing iin it your fine bro then again my eyes are really really blurry right now lol, its hard to tell
Man, I'm having the exact same situation except I dunno what strain they are or what could have caused it for me. If anyone has a second and could drop by my journal (link in my sig) please take a look at the 1st pic in the last post (dated 11-3-10) I sure would appreciate it. I have 30 days to go and would probably just go ahead and finish even if it is a boy flower, but it would be better to know for sure.
I think that by the time the calyx wa that swollen the hair would have receaded into the calyx and the seed would start forming..if it was that swollen and nothing solid was inside..I think your ok...looking good btw