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Calling LEBOWSKI (and others: Tincture& ingesting Cannabutter))

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by objektiv, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. #1 objektiv, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
    Hey Lebowski, haven't conversed with you for awhile:


    (I've gone through an ounce of tincture- made with 100 proof smirnoff and kept in freezer/ shaken for seven days.

    My experience...kind of disappointing. There's definitely an effect, but it lacks the overall kick of smoking the same bud (legally obtained via dispensary- (9.55 CBD, 4% THC...quite a find. I like to smoke it, but have found that smoking is not worth the airway irritation, and it makes me cough up crap if I smoke regularly. So the no -smoke method is the new way- bummer- I love the smell and taste.
    Anyway, I just dosed about 2.5 mils of this tincture, and it takes about 20 minutes to take effect, which is weak, less potent in terms of pain relief, and not so euphoric.

    SO!, I saw you were trying Wild Will's Glycerine method...any luck?

    Also, any comments you might have on INJESTION (cannabutter, etc, are well appreciated. "Captain Canada" on this site is really enthusiastic about it, says it works wonders for his pain and well-being, likes the euphoria.

    looking forward to hearing from you and others on GLYCERINE TINCTUE AND EATING WEED IN FAT SOLUTION, AKA BUTTER, ETC.
    Be well.
  2. Wow perfect timing, I just came to browse the forum and you had posted this 1 minute ago!

    So, to refresh our memory, I don't react to eaten edibles, which is why I was looking into sub lingual tinctures. Remind me, you do or don't react to eaten edibles?

    Second question- you are using the tincture sub-lingually yes? Because swallowing a tincture is not much different than eating an edible. I tend to hold a tincture in my mouth for 3-5 minutes at least.

    About trying WildWills glycerin method, I did one batch, and while it did work somewhat, it was much too weak most likely because I let it get too hot for a few unattended hours. Also, the tincture was thicker than I wanted, so I was going to try mixing in alcohol. (the one nice thing was that it tasted great in vegetable glycerin with no added flavoring)

    I'm yet to do the second batch, but since I have the next 2 days off I think i'll do it now.

    I also have decarboxylated THC oil that I want to try directly mixing into a shot of vodka and hold it sub lingually.
  3. #3 objektiv, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2011
    Re: Calling LEBOWSKI (and others: Tincture& ingesting Cannabutter))
    Wow perfect timing, I just came to browse the forum and you had posted this 1 minute ago!

    ---cool, great to hear from you.

    So, to refresh our memory, I don't react to eaten edibles, which is why I was looking into sub lingual tinctures. Remind me, you do or don't react to eaten edibles?

    ---Good question: I have avoided them completely as of yet, so as to avoid having a long unpleasant experience, but I will definitely be trying the most rigorously tested methods for edibles soon...I'd just go to a dispensary and get a full- on standardized dose of baked goods, etc, but they mostly use really high THC stuff-- or at least low CBD. Looking into "Captain Canada's" Butter recipe.

    Second question- you are using the tincture sub-lingually yes? Because swallowing a tincture is not much different than eating an edible. I tend to hold a tincture in my mouth for 3-5 minutes at least.

    SUBLINGUAL: Yeah, man, definitely: I do the same: Following DR Alan Frankel's discussion on this, I hold it in my mouth under my toungue for about five minutes, but (and this is ingenious) he says to "paint the inside of your cheeks with your tounge). I did this and it REALLY reduced the painful burn of the 100 proof booze. He then says swallow it, but I DO NOT, so as not to confuse any ingested f/x with the sublingual f/x.

    About trying WildWills glycerin method, I did one batch, and while it did work somewhat, it was much too weak most likely because I let it get too hot for a few unattended hours. Also, the tincture was thicker than I wanted, so I was going to try mixing in alcohol. (the one nice thing was that it tasted great in vegetable glycerin with no added flavoring)

    Wild Willy:
    Yeah, sorry to hear that didn't fly so well; I'd agree with you that temperature has got to be important if not downright critical...I mean, every step of chemical manipulation is important. When I do it, I will get a thermometer; crock pot thermostats are sketchy at best, as I'm sure you know. After all, they weren't made to decarboxylize pot!
    Also, the thickness sounds like it could really be a mess and a problem. I liked the booze method, because it's so clean and easy. Even so, straining a mere 4 0z of liquid took about 30 minutes. The tinc. Looked perfect, and smelled potent. I'm very surprised that it's effects were kind of "Blah," and especially that it takes about 20 minutes to set in...very strange. But hey, no lung irritation, no voice problems (I sing, so I like to keep the cords clean).

    I'm yet to do the second batch, but since I have the next 2 days off I think i'll do it now.

    I also have decarboxylated THC oil that I want to try directly mixing into a shot of vodka and hold it sub lingually

    Now there, you hit a question I'm pondering: They say Decarbing takes place at freezer temps, and with heat in a specified range. Fair enough. On this alcohol tinc. I made, the effects make me wonder if The cold method effectively gets INTO the plant material to extract much of the CBD and other myriad cannabinoides, and other chemicals. I wonder if it mainly strips the THC, since (as I believe), THC exists mostly on the outer surface of the bud in the trichromes...That ought to be easy to extract, but the plant material seems pretty damn intact even after a long time soaking/ shaking in the freezer. I know a stronger solvent (everclear) would be better, but holy crap, the burn would be like hell!

    I look forward to your experiment with glycerine. Wild Will sure believes in it, though he is pretty general on the numbers, temps, times. That is OK and all, but since I'm buying expensive dispensary weed based on high CBD, even a 1/4 oz batch gone wrong really hurts the wallet. (no sleight intended to Wild Will: He's been helpful and very nice).

    Check out Captain Canada's posts on cannabutter in cooking. He lost part of a leg, and has big pain, and he swears by edible fat- based stuff as a way to feel great and really help with pain.

    As to my general experience, I'm happy to say that my current weed at least gives me pain relief (smoked) , and no racing head, no aches, just a mild buzz. looking to accentuate all the above.

    Talk to you soon, thanks, and good luck!

    Sorry for the LONG reply, but, hey, have you ever come across literature that states the threshold dose of THC for an adult human to notice the effect? I had a dispensary guy quote a number, but it sounded sketchy...I mean, what's a "threshold dose" for ANYTHING...cheeseburgers to antidepressants, everybody's different. Have you seen any science on this?
  4. Interesting, I had never heard of extraction done in the cold.

    I just realized that you're bound to get low psychoactivity if you're using a 5% THC med. How much of that CBD is being extracted is also another question, but those factors would lead you to a low-potency extraction.
    You could try increasing the relative amount of flower you put in, or you could dry distilling the alcohol out of your tincture to increase potency. I'm told a coffee mug heater works great at vaporizing alcohol out, but will not get hot enought to vaporize THC off.

    I've been wondering in the past few months if and how CBD makes it into various extractions- cannabutter and tinctures. We need to get some of these extractions made with high CBD strains tested at labs to see if there is any variation with different mediums and methods.

    Most things have a loose "threshold dose" for when they start to work as intended. I read somewhere that edible cannabis has a 5-10mg THC threshold dose for you to feel something. Clearly, some people can have a much higher threshold dose.
    However i'm unclear if that is the dose ingested, or the numbers of the actual THC that made it into the bloodstream. The former will always be higher than the latter.

    Generally these should be related to some kind of scientific observation- that some low doses never ever provide effects intended, and the threshold dose would be the lowest dose that produces an effect.

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