Calling all System Of A Down fans!

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by E n i g m a, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. #1 E n i g m a, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    Anyone know any good songs by them except these?

    Chop Suey!
    Lonely Day
    This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
    Violent Pornography
    Sad Statue
    Fuck The System
    Deer Dance
    Prison Song
    Old School Hollywood

    Compile a list if you can.
  2. mr. jack. not a huge soad fan, but that's a great song
  3. Hypnotize. The intro guitar is absolutely amazing.
  4. Come on. SOAD has nothing but great songs. I may not know even 10% of the song titles, but I never ever skip a track. There's no need.
  5. #6 Kyle88, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    add revenga to that list.

    also: roulette and question! are fucking awesome

    i have listened to SOaD since grade 7, sick band. other then those nice list, each song i went to add was on there.

  6. Thanks. Everyone!
    Yes my favorite band. I have SOAD pretty much covered all of those song are on my iPod except the Old School Hollywood which I haven't downloaded yet.
    Goodnight Blades.

  7. Thats a great best of SOAD though. Everytime I thought of a song you already had on there. I love soad cover there bass stuff all the time especially prison song.
  8. #9 TearDownGod, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    Chop Suey!
    Lonely Day
    This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
    Violent Pornography
    Sad Statue
    Fuck The System
    Deer Dance
    Prison Song
    Old School Hollywood
    Soldeir side part 2
    Ddevil <<<<<< NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS.
    Sad statue.
    Suite pee
    Mr. Jack.
    Lost in Hollywood
    Stealing society
  9. [ame=]YouTube - System Of A Down - DDevil #06[/ame]

    Fuck it you need to just listen^^
  10. i love this bad old school :D (me and my old friend listened to them when i first started smoking memories fade though :()
  11. No one thought of Forest?
  12. #14 Budwisesir, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Heres 5 no one mentioned.

    [ame=""]YouTube- System Of A Down - Mind #09[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube- System Of A Down - Blue #14[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube- system of a down metro[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube- System Of A Down - Highway Song #11[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube- System Of A Down - Pictures #10[/ame]

    This isn't SOAD but you might like it, its the vocalists (serj) band.

    [ame=""]YouTube- Serj Tankian - The Unthinking Majority[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube- Serj Tankian - Lie Lie Lie (Video)[/ame]
  13. #15 TearDownGod, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    I mentioned the Highway song:) Excellent contribution:p Like marmalade? It's one of the better non Cd'ified songs of theirs. Personally those other three aren't much my taste. I hate it when their music is like that, it sounds to lazy and wierd. I just don't appreciate it I guess.
  14. You don't like metro? It was one of the first songs.. not very 'cd-fied'

    Unless, you ment the serj tankian videos.
  15. Lol, the point wasn't whether or not they were on a CD:p But yeah after re-listening to metro i like it more, the ending is pretty damn good, it got me headbanging:eek:

    Idk how I feel about Serj, lately he's seemed like kind of a show off and I've never really liked him as a person. His video for Empty Walls repels me with the amount of shock value in it. Idk, I just dunno. Tell me more and enlighten me, if you can and are willing to. I don't know much about him, he's always seemed like a bit of an egotist.:eek:
  16. I always liked Serj the most out of the band members, mostly because of his voice, it's unique. Plus, he always adds those funny little noises in live concerts :p An egotist? Maybe, but like every other band, one member is always going to stick out more than others. (Nirvana perhaps? Kurt Cobain.) Serj's dad is a musician also, so I've heard.. I think Serj said he was helping his dad with his band and such, don't really know much about that.

    To be honest I don't really know all that much about him, one thing I do know is....


  17. I never ever cared for the lead singer in a band it's always the guys on the instruments that get me...reason why I dont like much rap. I always liked Shavo and Daron the most out of System most like Shavo's an awesome bass player, and Daron is just fucking crazy.
  18. #20 TearDownGod, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    After shaking Shavo, John, and Daron's hand's (I won SOAD tickets for an essay I did on Malakian's father, Vartan and his art work) I've never been able to think of them as anything but friends. I got their autographs on my poster. :p Serj was off being 'busy' back stage. Local art contest :) :)

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