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Call to Florida smokers - SIGN PETITION!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by irieluv, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. If you live in Florida please be aware of the initiative by PUFMM - People United for Medical Marijuana - to get Medical Marjuana on the 2010 ballot here in Florida.. We need this people! Do not wait, download the petition, sign it, and stick it in the mail. All petitions have to arrive by Feb 1 and they need 700,000.. Not sure what number they have right now but it doesn't matter! I've been out just asking people at my gym, work, hell ask anyone and everyone. To get this done we have to raise awareness! Comon, Let's do this!
  2. I hate going to the doctor. I'd rather takes me chances breaking the law.

  3. LOL we need 700k in like... aweek and 1 day? GL with that...

  4. well with that kind of attitude what can you expect
  5. as much as i would like to see medical marijuana arrive here, i doubt that it wont be for a long ass time, its gonna need alot of convincing to the buzzkill state
  6. I am a PUFMM volunteer and already made a thread about this. We have a better chance at reaching the ballots in 2012.
  7. Yeah fl is sooo anti mj it's ridiculous. Do you have to be a citizen to sign these petitions?

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