Call of Duty WoW: Nazi Zombies

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by BrainMedicine, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. What's ur guys tactic for Nazi zombies. I can't get past lvl 9, my tactic is I get to wave 3 or 4, by then I should have 2500 Pts. I head to the help room and go to the mystery box. I just stay in that room and do work.
  2. Which level are you talking about? there are four of them.
  3. talkin about the first one am i right? after you go through the mystery box room, head upstairs in that room and go to where the grenades are. camp there with the ray gun and a large machine gun like the mg42, or get the pump action shotgun...i forgot the name its been a while
  4. Yea the first one, i didn't even know there were other parts. I should try that, but it sucks sometimes the mystery box gives you shitty guns
  5. I usually work on gettin a heavy machine gun and a ray gun. After that, I just kill more of em till I have enough points to open all of the blockades and than just run around cappin fools with the ray gun and hope for some luck. I made it to like lvl19 doin that.

  6. oh man the other levels are ten times better. You can buy perks, set traps and bunch of other stuff.

  7. No way, how do u unlock the other lvls
  8. You'd have to buy the map packs, each map pack has a different zombie level with the three MP levels.
  9. I used to play so much nazi zombies... during an adderall binge the sleep deprivation and the sheer amount of time I spent playing made me have continuous audio hallucinatons of the zombies when they swing or charge at you... surrounding me full circle it seemed to echo inside my head. They became white noise I could block out often, but I still found it funny because I remember getting that audio shit from being in a casino long and for like 3 days I always thought I was hearing my phone going off... drove me fucking insane!.

    anyways back on topic... I've had some good games, the goal was always 20-25 rounds for a respectable game, but shoot for 30+.. and it's funny because our craziest games that went the furthest we were barely paying attention... it was second nature by then. My friends and I were all really into it and always had to same plan up to a certain point, but then it just came to holding it down where your back is the least vulnerable...

    or on like Der Reise by level 20 or so we would be in a bad situation and just run around using the electric fences and believe me, that with the teleporters makes for one hell of a zombie killer who doesn't even have to fire off a single round... just constantly on the move...

    I've seen some amazing hordes of zombies running at me.. like 200 easy. It was usually only 2 of us (but there were like 10 of us nazi zombie players) and we could get to over 30 with two people just all depended on how the box wanted to treat us and how we were playing.
  10. Hahahah that's awsome, anybody know how much the map packs are. Wouldn't think there too expensive
  11. Call of Duty World of Warcaft:Nazi Zombies?
  12. Hahahah that's awsome, anybody know how much the map packs are. Wouldn't think there too expensive
  13. I don't know the price, but they have a discount for just buyin em all I know that.
  14. If you have an xbox I think they are 800 points each, they could be cheaper by now. Get the fourth one first because that is the best level.
  15. Before opening the door to the room with the mystery box, go upstair and open the doors to the mystery box room that way, it helps keep the zombies coming from one spot, then camp down in the mystery box room, or where the grenades are. It helps to do it with a friend. It's also fun to find out glitches for it.

  16. This is a good idea, i tried it and got to lvl 12 and just got wrecked lol. I got to find some of those glitches

  17. haha man your pretty behind in this stuff. Shi No Numa (the swamp one) was my favourite. The fourth is sick, but got boring much faster in my opinion.
    they were just under 10 bucks canadian on playstation store. for each. that was when they first came out though.

    theres glitches all over youtube. there cool but become extremely boring.
    There is one where you glitch half into a wall upstairs (original zombie map) and the zombies can't get within 10 feet of you, they just stand there. get a flamethrower otherwise you'll run out of ammo.

    fun the first time, gets boring after you have been playing for 5 hours on the same game.
  18. I enjoy playing the 2nd level solo sometimes when I have nothing to do... it's the oldschool style of killing zombies, but you have perks making it possible to get to a decent round and making guns like the browning useful... ray gun/browning is best IMO, browning won't be useful until speed perk, and then double tap fixes it's slow reload and firerate making it better than an mg42 which will run out of ammo as fast as a thompson.

    Best IMO is Shi No Numa when you have a solid team, because it can force you to keep moving as well as allows you to if you want to... but solo I hate it.

    Only thing about the insane asylum (2nd) is that bouncing bets never seem to kill them they just run over them before they explode, and once the box moves odds are you're dying very soon unless your one of the 1% who get lucky with it.

  19. I think the MG42 is still better because it reloads just that much quicker.
  20. It's really close, I've always heard mixed views on it. I like em both, but the only problem with the browning with the reload is if your rushed and you don't have a decent second weapon.

    Alright, though... here's the best advice I can possible give...
    (2nd Map - Insane Asylum)

    On the German side (mp40 upstairs) you work your way as you normally would to the box. Once you have a couple guns you're comfortable with (I just had a thompson and mp40 when I did this) continue opening from the box room to the speed cola room. Normally if you came from Ally side, that window behind the speed cola machine would be storming with zombies, but because the other sides weren't open, they can't spawn where they need to get there... leaving you with a nice big room and only one way for the zombies to bottleneck through. This will work a lot better if you've got a decent idea of when the rounds are ending to get a crawler so you can run the box or repair.

    So this is really a one-two person thing only, unless you can somehow manage to get the power on before your teammates on ally side die.

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