Call Congress: Tell them to Protect the Internet for Innovators!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mr. Mojorising, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. #2 Deleted member 472633, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
    I've signed several petitions and have called my congressman and written my senators. My congressman was going to sign SOPA because he said it was an anti pedophilia bill. (My Congressman is an idiot and a democrat, I know, I know same thing) Then after I got all of my friends and family to email him he sent me an email that said he would no longer support the bill. So yeah victory!

    I really have to say though that my experience with my congressman has reaffirmed by belief that politicians must be idiots. SOPA an anti pedophilia bill what a load of horse shit. Then again the only reason my Congressmen gets elected is that he speaks Spanish and promises amnesty. No non hispanic politician has won my district for decades. People here vote purely on race=hispanic and party=Democrat.

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