California medical laws, clones, mothers, etc....

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Tommatt, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Ok I had no clue where to put this thread.

    CA medical MJ states 6 mature, 12 immature plants. I always took this to mean 6 flowering 12 vegging. A mother I'd assume would be an immature plant correct? Where do clones come into play? And seedlings. They sometimes die. I mean if o had a say 7 clones at veg right as flowering was about to end. And then put 6 clone cuttings onto a seedlig mat am I now violating state law as technically I have 13 immature plants? (say 6 plants vegging about to be put onto flower, a mom, and 6 cuttings, putting me at 14 actually)?

    The technicalities and loopholes makes me want to pay for the reflective
    Walling that can't be detected by IR.
  2. be careful with the laws man. there was another post here on gc about a grow that got busted and they violated the number of plants allowed at one time. got totally fucked. all equipment and product confiscated.
  3. I know and that's why I'm a bit worried, and actually thinking of using the reflective material that blocks IR scans. The wording of the law is pretty vague. I have 2 moms, and take say 10 cuttings, I notice one isn't going to make it and take another one, am I now officially ficked if I get raided.

    Until I wanted to medically grow I never realized how vague and poorly worried the law is
  4. I'd check your laws one more time. My reading of it was 6 mature OR 12 immature plants. I believe that's why some dispensaries are now also selling clones since you technically can't flower and veg at the same time.

  5. From NORML website:

    As an alternative, SB 420 allows patients to grow together in non-profit “collectives” or cooperatives. Collectives may scale the SB 420 limits to the number of members, but large gardens are always suspect to law enforcement. In particular, grows over 100 plants risk five-year mandatory minimum sentences under federal law.

    If you have a friend who also has a doctors reccomendation and if he will give you a copy of it then he or you can legaly grow more then what the limit is for 1 person in the same place. By obtaining a copy of his your legaly growing for him or he is using your grow area to do so legaly. I think the limit on co-op grows is 99 plants total.

  6. I'm not sure I agree with the 99 plants total because the definition of a "collective" is still not fully developed in California - it's most likely not just some buddies getting together. However, one thing I know for sure is that if you're in a CA county that has also issued MMJ cards, you're better off having one than not. A doctor's letter is good, but still dependent on which LE you come across. But the county MMJ card will definitely keep you out of jail in virtually all cases.

    Not a lawyer - just have spent a TON of time looking at this from all angles.
  7. I have a friend that grows for some patients and a few dispenseries and has on several occasions been inspected by local law enforcement to make sure that for 2 of his grow locations in the same county that he is not over the limit for the number of plants per patient. He has 3 locations and 33 plants at each and he was told that he cant go above a total of 99.

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