Hey blades, just stumbled upon this page. Check it. " Since marijuana was criminalized more than 70 years ago, no panel of federal or state lawmakers has ever voted to reverse the ban and legalize it. That streak ended on Tuesday, when a California Assembly committee voted to approve AB 390, sponsored by Assembly Democrat Tom Ammiano, which would legalize, regulate and tax marijuana in the state of California. The bill passed the Public Safety Committee by a 4-3 vote and now moves to the Health Committee before coming to the Assembly floor for a full vote." the full story and sources here: California Assembly Panel Votes To Legalize Marijuana The clip was taken from the webpage. Should us Californians start rejoicing now??
No not yet. Quote from NORML.org Further Committee votes on AB 390 are unlikely to take place this session because of legislative calendar restraints. However, the bill’s sponsor, San Francisco Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, said that he would likely reintroduce a similar version of the bill later this month. Its not legal yet, still has to undergo further voting and then the people have to vote on it in November.
I know, but the hope is there man There are more people that are in favor of legalizing it or at least consider it than there have ever been. I dunno. I'm pretty sure it will pass wishful thinking?
No, but that's not what the article is saying or suggesting. It's saying that this bill has gotten farther than any other legalization bill by not being killed in the first committee. This is still pretty momentous. Hopefully the Health committee will let it go to the floor...
AB390 Glad it stays away from the medicine with the fees and taxes.Really I see it being legal in 10 years.
Also it has 2 more committees to pass through and A "no" vote in either committee will kill Ammiano's bill. If it passes through both, however, it'll land on the Assembly floor -- perhaps before the end of the month.
yea its not legal yet, but of course its getting there. why does this video make me smile [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0mEDE_w1xo&feature=player_embedded&aia=true]YouTube - Legalization: Yes We Can[/ame]
From Assembly Public Safety to Assembly Public Health to full Assembly to Senate committee to Senate committee II to full Senate to joint committee to work out Assembly/Senate differences to floors of both Assembly and Senate for confirmation to Governor’s desk for signature and THEN it will be law. So don’t get too excited. However, this does mark the first time a US governmental body has voted yes on legalization, so that’s something.