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Cali MMj List??

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by RyoukoOokami, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. alrite, so i live in Cali.
    ive been thinking about getting medicated for my appetite problem for a while now,
    but ive seen some people sayin things like when you get signed up for MMJ u get put on a "list" and that they would not get medicated because of that.

    so my question is, what exactly is this list? some kind of government database or something and what is its purpose?
    and what are the risks of signing up for MMJ if this "list" is for real?

    really curious about this, any clarification would be much appreciated.
  2. I don't know of a list like that, but a MMJ recommendation would do anything for you if an employer drug tests you.
  3. thanks i guess im just trippin... lol
  4. No.. there is no list..

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