Cali drought

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Danerrr, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. So I was listening to the radio at work and a few minutes ago they were making a huge ass deal about this awful drought in Cali but I'm having no problem finding bud. (Huehuehue)But no really, no rain in sight, they don't think they'll have enough waterWhy don't they seed rain clouds like they did in the great world war? Either that or Cali can break off from the US and go to war against neighbor states for their water. Too bad the water is radioactive over there. My Memphis water is so delicious and perfectly filtered from the ground under my house. You jelly Cali blades?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  2. There are parts of texas that are currently going without ANY water except deliveries due to oil fracking
  3. Tell me about it! I'm here in California and its horrible! Doesn't feel like winter at all, for the most part we've had beautiful sunny days. Don't get me wrong those are always nice, but from what I've heard this is the states record for the least rainfall. Definitely going to have to start preserving water soon
  4. Tell me about it... hasn't felt like winter at all.
  5. It rained last night for about 2 minutes ;]
  6. Rained a little bit yesterday off and on.

    No problem finding herb in SD tho
  7. Yikes :eek: short term or ongoing? That's insane.
    A good chunk of WV just had their water supply contaminated by a chemical spill, from a plant just upstream of a water treatment facility. It's now been deemed safe to drink, though pregnant women are still advised not to, and the water still has the 'licorice' smell of said chemical.
    Crazy stuff.
  8. In a society of great prosperity, California cant even solve this easy drought ''problem''. Kinda makes you wonder whats more important, Oil/ fossil fuel pipe lines that continue to pollute our planet/ and war, or is there a cleaner solution?
    If this country was so 'United', then why not harvest all the great snow from the midwest countries? Or create water pipe lines to pump in water to were it is needed?
    Smoke me out
  9. I read that droughts happen because most of the people in the afflicted area are suppressing their emotions too much
    Just a theory...
  10. [quote name="Yadda" post="19462268" timestamp="1391492442"]Tell me about it! I'm here in California and its horrible! Doesn't feel like winter at all, for the most part we've had beautiful sunny days. Don't get me wrong those are always nice, but from what I've heard this is the states record for the least rainfall. Definitely going to have to start preserving water soon[/quote]That's crazy because here in Memphis it's reached record low temps especially for this time of year. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  11. what do emotions have to do with rainfall? ill tell you, not a damn thing.
  12. No problems in SJ Either we got rain the other day, but i did see a couple reserves dry on the way to see my lady which is all bad last month it was full now its all but a puddle crazy shit, i got water packed away though for thoes bad cases ;)

    Sent From My Droid, Grown Tree's Blowin Tree's
  13. Prove it, and not with some YouTube video. With a verifiable, actual source, that isn't linked to the environmentalist movement.

    Did it occur to you that those of us in the Midwest need the snow? Melting snowpack is how we get water out here. There are pipelines already in place to deliver Colorado water to California, but they can't handle the amount of water needed.

    And people can't "solve" a drought problem. You can plan for it, attempt to mitigate it's effects, and adjust for it, but long term, you just have to wait it out. To call a drought an "easy problem" demonstrates how little you understand about it.
  14. [​IMG] :laughing:
    If your interested you can google it, i live in Canada and really dont give a shit either way if yall outta water
    Yet you choose to fear monger about it, with no source.  If you don't care, why do you care?  Oh well, no skin off my nose.  G'day!
  17. #17 Earth Ling, Feb 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2014
    I understand California needs water. I understand that the planet is 70-75% water... How would you solve a 'drought ' situation? Or just wait for rain and snow?
  18. I guess Cali better get some buckets and some cleaver green house skills to purify the radioactive ocean water!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  19. seriously! its been a mild summer all winter. i love the sunny days but i lime seasons too

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  20. Yeah at least here in Memphis we'll get a day or two of spring and a week of fall. :p

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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