
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dc199, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I just got some cal-mag, and im not sure if i should use half the dose or the full dose for this stuff. Anyone want to help me out?
  2. i always start nutes at 1/2 dose to see how the plants also has nites in it so remember that when mixin' can always add more...tougher to take back out...good luck deacon:smoke:
  3. It depends on your medium and the type of water you use. Coco needs more than soil, and distilled water needs more than filtered tap, etc.
  4. yup...coco eats cal/mag:confused:
  5. i know that my WW takes a full strength dose every watering but that just because its a hungry little girl. But like said above always start with half to test tolerence
  6. ive read that cal mag, epsom salt, etc is a great additive at any stage of the plants life. your thoughts?

  7. I think it's something every grower should have, but not necessarily something that you need to use often, unless you use coco, but even then you don't need it every watering.
  8. i use it about every 3rd watering in my coco:smoke:

  9. How often during flowering? Just curious.
  10. Use that 1 teaspoon per gallon every single watering untill flush.

    this will keep your plants healthy.

  11. That isn't necessary imo. If you use it all through veg and early flower the plants will store the nutrients. I don't like that extra N in mid to late flower.
  12. there it is;)

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