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Cal-Mag; To use or not to use?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Antdro707, Jul 13, 2019.

  1. hey GC so quick question, I have 2 successful grows under my belt and I’m working on the third, I’ve never used cal mag or thought I needed it during my grows In soil but I’ve noticed every one here uses it. My plants at 33 days from sprout and I’m wondering if I should add some cal mag or if it would make a difference?

    I’ve always used fox farms trios and this run I picked up a bloom booster (beastie budz)
    Fox farms ocean forest soil with perlite

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  2. If you're not seeing any deficiency I don't think there's any point of adding cal mag. It's mainly used for people that use RO water....RO water is devoid of the minerals that normal tap water or rain water have so when you use it you'll see a calmag deficiency (I just went through this)....but like I said, if you're not seeing any deficiency, I personally wouldn't mess around or change the nutrients. If it's not broke, don't try to fix it....right?

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  3. Yea that’s true, I just use my hose water that I let bake in a 5 gallon container in the sun lol. I picked some up just in case tho
  4. Magnesium is used by all living creatures including american noobs
    in your state it comes in as cal-mag(tm) in Eu as Epsom salts anyplace else is Mg/S04

    go figure!
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  5. Why use it if the plant doesn't need it?
    I rarely have to use it. Every so often I get a plant that needs it - maybe one plant out of the last 20.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. I learn something new everyday man
  7. Yea that makes sense. Well I got it if I ever need it now. Also picked up some beastie budz for bloom first time using a bloom fert

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