So i've been drinking a cup of coffee and in the morning and one energy drink a day for the past year and a half or so now, and even though compared to others this is a small amount of caffine, i've been wondering about the bad effects. I've done some research and found pleny of stuff out and i'm on the verge of deciding to quit drinking caffine allt ogether. I know i'm now dependant on it and this is what made me decide to research on it, but i'd also like to hear what you guys have to say on it. Share facts, addiction stories, over intoxication stories, your opinions and links to sites related to caffine in this thread as i'd like to hear more information before I quit. Edit: I'm stating to think the only reason caffine is legal is because the governemt recognise its potential as a 'work drug' that helps people work harder, and accept boring repetative tasks more easily, whilst avoiding most psychoactive effects and making a killing on selling highly a addictive substance. Any thaught on this?
I'm not as concerned about the danger to my ass as I am the danger to my heart,brain, and blood pressure lol
Dont you Try and Take away my fucking coffee man UN COOL! ummmm dang that sounds like alot of caffeine your taking in man a coffee in the morning and energy drink in the evening, shit. especially since all those energy drinks got that gor-ah-nah stuff, hardcore amount of caffeine, I think you'll be fine dood, people have been taking coffee like that for tons of years now. if it helps i saw at a coffee shop once that recent studies suggest that 1. caffeine helps short therm memory 2. caffeine helps slow progression of Alzheimer and a third one i think, but if you can prove me wrong please do since i dont have any sources
I'm aware the physically, caffine has a verrry low potiential of doing any damage but in terms of withdrawal effects, over useage and addiction i'm starting to think it can be pretty nasty mentally. I did say i'm aware that I don't injest a lot of caffine if you were being sarcastic. But it's still better to know about it. It's the anxiety, insomnia, irratability and confusion i'd like to know about.
If you're experiencing some health side effects it MAY be the energy drink. If it's a standard energy drink, it contains insane amounts of sugar and other things that are terribad for your body.
I went to starbucks one time, ordered the biggest size mocha I could get and drank it in 5 minuites. Right after my vision went white/blurry, i felt terribly sick, shakey,sweaty/cold/hot, could barely stand, couldnt think straight for shit and had a terrible headache I had to sit in the toilet for 5 mins so I didn't look like I was freaking out at the table. I'm tired of people not recognising the potent effects of a lot of caffine
I used to use caffeine like a fiend; 600-1000mg/day would be normal, maybe even low, and I was fine with it. A few times, I got caffeine intoxication, ingesting upwards of 1.5-2 grams (which can be seriously harmful). My vision would get blurry, I would vomit, shake uncontrollably; it was very unpleasant, like a small overdose of amphetamines. I got into cocaine in the past, and stopped using the caffeine because I was already pepped up all the time. Once I stopped the blow, I never started caffeine again. Ever since then, caffeine makes me sick as hell. I can have a soda or two, but anything like coffee, an energy drink or a caffeine/diet pill will make me jittery, nauseated, drowsy, shaky, and I get this overwhelming sense of anxiety and akathisia (strong inner restlessness). My dad drinks 3-4 cups of coffee every morning. Without his coffee, he can barely stay awake (even towards the end of the day, when the effect of the coffee would normally be worn off), he gets a killer headache, and gets pretty agitated at everything. Caffeine addiction is hard to break, but it's really a pretty terrible chemical for you. Good luck. There are more healthy stimulants, like non-caffeine xanthines in certain teas and ephedrine. Just do your research before you use something.
Caffiene doesnt do a whole lot to me, one time I drank two cups and almost fell asleep on the couch 20 minutes later. Almost all drugs simulate substances that are already present in our body, caffiene simulates epinephrine or norepinephrine ( AKA adrenaline) so putting your body into that state for an extended period of time can be very stressful for your body.
Okay where to start. I used to be a heavy and I mean HEAVY caffeine user. I'm talking 500-700mg a day, that's equal to about 8 cans of Red Bull a day. Working for Pepsi I had no shortage and it didn't cost me a thing, I would drink about 4/5 of those Amp power shots, which have around 140mg in them. This on top of my ADD medication (70mg of Vyvanse) I was fucking wired all day. Then one day, my body just crashed. I was sick as fuck and was just drained, I literally needed caffeine to even function. Otherwise I would seriously get annoyed/angry/agitated very easily. I actually went to the doctor to see what the fuck was wrong with me and low and behold, caffeine. It was actually destroying my body because I wasn't getting enough 'good' sleep, so my body wasn't really recovering/rebuilding. I slowly started to ween myself off and I have never felt better. I rarely drink caffeine anymore, if I do it's usually when I'm drinking booze, making mixed drinks. That's it. In your case though, you're drinking about 150mg a day, which isn't bad or good. But sooner or later you'll up it up because you don't feel the effects anymore and that's when things will get bad. So my advice to you is just don't drink anymore than you need. Don't drink shit that has caffeine in it just because you are thirsty, only drink it when you need it. If not just stop completely and you'll save a lot of cash too. Okay I wrote too much, hope this helped.
If I dont have caffeine i cant sleep. Been a caffeine/soda addict since i was 7. Normal day I will drink 10 cans of soda and 2 cups of coffee If I dont have any Im sick cant eat, no motivation and cannot sleep.
All those reasons you drink caffeine are actually caused from drinking too much. I was exactly the same, and slowly stopped. And now I sleep better and have more energy then I did when on caffeine. Seriously, think about it. Caffeine will work short term but long term it actually makes you more tired. Your body just burns itself out.