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Cabinet 2 plant CFL SCROG Grow

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by jonnysf, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Well Folks this is my first true grow, though iv'e done others and a different micro grow i was "journaling" on here, on a different account.
    This is a cabinet Micro grow 2 compartments painted flat white each compartment is, 17 1/2 inches deep by 19 1/2 inches wide by 23 inches high. I have in each compartment 4 100watt equivalent Daylight 5000k CFL's since that's the highest on the kelvin list they go temp wise and the highest watt they sell is 23watt the 100watt equivalents. Only thing home depot sells now days.
    I have yet to install computer fans but I am getting fans during the middle of this week and should have them installed before the end of the week. I'm going to be using 2-3 computer fans, if i get 4 even better. I'll be putting one on each side wall and 1 or two in the middle depending if i want a straight cycle of air or some in between circulation. I plan on SCROGing both of these girls to get the maximum output of bud in such a small space. I have to fix the doors and light trap the entire thing so keep posted and watch the Grass Grow ^_^


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  2. They are looking good so far
  3. Thank you mucho!
  4. Heres some picks of the girls last night. The one with the 2nd set of leaves that are barely coming out, is in the chamber on the left and the one with almost it's second set full, is in the right chamber lol. I still gotta light trap the box, switch the lights in the left chamber so they face inward like the right chamber. I also gotta get and install the comp fans and make light trap exhaust vents, then build a good carbon filter on the cheap. Any ideas on the carbon filter?

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  5. Found some good ideas for a carbon filter.
    Question though folks can anyone give an estimate on what possible yields could be in the size of space in each compartment??????
  6. They say every strand is different but hopefully I'm sure it will be worth your efforts. I seen a video where the guy was growing goods in a paper cup yielding anywhere from 4-11g per cup. Wow! On the very light side but I thought it was pretty darn cool. lol
    I've been looking into the art of the SCROG and also super cropping and monster cropping. I definitely plan to SCROG my plants and I am obsessed with this video that I seen involving super cropping and monster cropping to increase your yield. Anything to increase your plants is worth a shot but I'm going to take it light at first. Will you be topping your plant??
    And I keep hearing about these computer fans?? I don't have a fan yet so I'm wondering the benefit of the 'computer fan'....if you have time:)
  7. Yes soooo close. My auto start date was the 22nd in soil and probably the 17th from the start of germ so we are very close. Would love to sub and piggy back off each other. I could really use the help as I'm learning and I'll do my best to help you:)
  8. I also started my diesel autos on the 17th im keeping a journal on, will be my last auto grow, good luck with yours!
    Can you send me a link of that vid?????? I am gunna LST the girls, I have yet to look into cropping or super cropping, i might do the process where you double the nodes so you have equal colas no main big one. As far as Computer fans, I do not know of any crazy beneficial reasons. They benefit me because they're very very very verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy versatile for DIY projects and with a little imagination and idea surfing on the forums you can come up with some very wonderful things for em. As for the purpose I'm using them for, I'm gunna use them as intake and exhaust and then one in the middle to get not only good airflow but good breeze on the girls so their stalks thicken up. The comp. fans also give me more room, I'm even thinking of mounting them on the outside to reduce the foot print of all the growing items in the cab. Thanks for replying stay tuned!!
  10. I germed on the 13th they had long tap roots on day three. I put them booth in a pot together on day 5 i chose the two I wanted out of 5. Two days later They sprouted with their cotyledons. On Sunday I transplanted one so they're both in their own pots and now were're here ^_^ I'm down I'll check out your grow is it up yet? 
    HAHAHAHHAHAH YESSSS yep yep yep we started exactly at the same time!!!! I'll sub you
    .Aimzx, on 25 Nov 2014 - 9:33 PM, said:
    I also started my diesel autos on the 17th im keeping a journal on, will be my last auto grow, good luck with yours!

    I don't have autos they interesting and am interested to know more!
  11. Yeah man. I germ my seed in wet paper towel late 12nd night, i sprouted after 1 night. Then i put it in 1 gal pot on 13rd. Its been doing good.
  12. Wanted to give a cool story on how i got the seeds. 
    Me and my wife were walking to the store and i smelled weed walking down one street and like any stoner looked around, in the corner of my eye i saw a yard waste bin in front of a yard with the bin cracked open only thing was a swear i saw bud on stalks in it, i thought about it walked over opened it and BAM!!! 3 HUGE!!! BUSHELS of weed!!!!! first i started filling all my pockets with bud, any where i could put it! then me and my wife ran back to the house got two bikes got a couple trash bags and went back for a stealth mission. When there I evaluated it a lil more and said fuck it.... no need for trash bags,  I grabbed a bushel and rode back to the house bud flying through the air as i rode. Then i went back for the other and then the other. After the last i started trimming. all the buds were dry and I just grabbed stalk after stalk and pulled all the bud off, ended up with FIVE POUNDS!!!!!! I was selling 5$ 8ths like crazy people looked at me crazy till my wife made me bump up to 10$ funny i sold more at 10$ an eighth than 5 people were sketched out though when people saw it they JUMPED on the deal almost everyone that didn't have money for bud all of a sudden had it LMAO!!!!. The bud was I believe, GDP i know for sure, Lambs breath, and Gods Gift, another strain might have been a kush, but they were all outstanding!!!! from what i spotted on the bud i think it might have been a spider mite infestation but on the other hand there were slim and few little white silk "patches" and no mites at all!! like they might have run full stocks (4-5ft each) to make dabs was a friends opinion. though with some lettuce leaves and orange peels they were green and purple and stanky danky and sticky icky  ^_^ soooooo i ended up saving seed toward the end of the stash about the last 3 ozs all mixed of choice buds and variety. i had about 25-30 seeds that were in a a cig pack in my pants and that went in the dryer weelllllllll 7 months later i found those seeds and tried 5 these girls are 2 of those seeds. i have noooo clue what they are but just like all children you don't know who they are comming out till you get to know them ^_^ STAY SUBBED FOLKS !!!!
  13. Cool story, bro! Tell it again. Lol
  14. I have told it many many many times!!! it was like a vivd dream i really did pinch myself!!

    shitty thing is i was forced to pick two because i cant find the bag of seeds!!!!
  15. Yeah. It sounds like a surrealistic dream. that i dont even dare to dream. how come someone threw away 5 pounds of MJ? lol
  16. I don't have an answer for that, we had many speculations on why >_< It was a golden brown all of it like it was the throw away of a huge crop, which this certain house is known for doing 2-3 times a year... I have a friend when i told him th story he mention that he knew an old couple that would go around to canni club dumpsters and neighborhoods they knew that grew and would come up on pounds and ozs at a time going through their trash, especially the canni club. If not aware they can only keep product on the shelf for so long if they have to much they throw away. It was a wonderful last December, I moved outa state and Cali is due to start harvesting indoor ^_^ check them trash cans if you smell it walking down the street, you just neeeeeeever know ^_^ 

    in the post of what happened I put why we thought it was dumped.
  17. I'm so ansy about my girls. We are 100 miles outa town so i watered them real god before we left yesterday afternoon we head back up and will be home around 9:30. i watered them real good i and they're close to the lights so i hope they dont grow into the cfls and get damaged !!! My wifes friend game me a quarter outa 14lbs he just harvested, a nice high that makes you feel floaty ^_^
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  18. #19 jonnysf, Nov 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2014
    Well back home and the Girls are doing good ^_^ and boy oh boy have they grown!!!!! Almost time to start LSTing them

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  19. OK people, so I decided to top on and FIM the other and I LSTed both of them, then im gunna top the FIMed one and FIM the topped one later. I got a pc fan but its only 3 inches and I only have one I needa get more before i put into changing the cab more yet. On my bushy'er girl her tips are starting to brown a bit i don't know .... Oh if I'm mistaken tell me please, those are pistils indicating female right in the first two pics???

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