CA MMJ Raided by DEA 3/25/09 YET Another

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by trancemeplease, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. #1 trancemeplease, Mar 26, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2009


  2. How in the fuck is this aloud? Those DEA agents participating in the raid should all be thrown in fucking jail for breaking the fucking law by arresting and robbing people who AREN'T BREAKING THE LAW LOCALLY NOR FEDERALLY.
  3. It's naive to think that this kind of behavior by the DEA is going to end overnight. It will take some time, but it will be soon.
  4. I don't know if you've got the memo, but the raids weren't ordered to end yesterday...
  5. all this is, is about money. it's still illegal so they will continue to do so until otherwise.
  6. Thats where i got my clone from.

    They were one of the last clubs in the city from what i was told that had them. might be a reason why they were raided.
  7. I'm sure there are a few clubs that had "on going" investigations on them and we will probably see a few more smash and grabs before we get to much a of a response from the Feds (White house):mad:

    So let me get this straight you have a warrant BUT you don't have enough information to officially arrest anyone (i believe 2 employees were "detained" for some short time?) and you have a SEAL on the warrant from the judge (Seal for secrecy, basically you didn't have enough info and you need more investigating before commenting)

    Way to find a Judge willing to tromp all over its own citizens rights for the hope that they find something. But hell if they don't the Judge isn't gonna be liable so why not huh? That Judge must of missed ethics at Law school or maybe they skipped there rational thinking course?

  8. Yes, they are breaking the law federally. Nothing has changed about the federal law. Holder said they would only go after people who are breaking both federal and local law. Guess we were mistaken.

    I'd suspect that there may be a good reason for it, since I'm sure giving out free pot to people is still illegal state and federal.
  10. I love how EVERYONE wants to jump to conclusions before the facts are all in.

    In the past, raids have been conducted in multiple locations simultaneously, this was ONE incident, and in the past, I haven't heard about any raids having a search warrant at all. The fact that they had a warrant (sealed or not) this time makes me think it was a very different incident.

    As I keep saying, raids won't stop. ARBITRARY raids will. At this point I'm willing to take a wait and see attitude about this incident, I'll wait and see what the truth is before jumping to conclusions.
  11. We didn't know there was more to the story to that. We rightfully assumed this was like every other MMJ raid, since there was no other specific information at the time this was posted.
  12. ALL this is about is controlling people through fear and insecurity.
  13. Perhaps the dispensary was not in accordance with California law, thus prompted action by the DEA? I'm not ready to be a cynic about this yet.

  14. Or perhaps it's a fear game?
  15. Told you guys. I told you! Everyone made such a fuss about the DEA promising to end all raids. HAH. I knew the DEA couldn't be trusted, ever in our lifetimes. Which basically means our government can't be trusted lol.
  16. This may come down to a revolution...Collect guns and ammo while you can people believe me, the GOVT is out of control!
  17. Wow! I think that's bullshit. But maybe there was an actual reason besides it being associated with MMJ.
  18. Maybe some of the poor people they were handing the free bud out to didn't have their MMJ cards? I think that's cause for a raid, and would provide reason for a search warrant.
  19. did obama say he's stop raids of medical weed dispensries, farms?

  20. I agree with bkadocaj, I think it's more of a mix of what he said and money.

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