Ca legalized?

Discussion in 'General' started by k4rts, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. #1 k4rts, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
  2. i hope so. but 50 an oz is bullshit!
  3. damn, that's a heavy tax
  4. I think that this is great. It's definitely a sign that federal legalization will eventually happen.
  5. check out the marijuana news section every once in a while... things are changing people

    wake up!

    2010 is our year.....
  6. Sweet. Guess I know where im going for vacations =D
  7. It was okayed as of yesterday

    The assemblyman who introduced the original bill is going introduce a very similar bill this month or next and they will vote again in the state assembly. Once it gets through all the bureacracies it will be voted on by the people of California in November.
  9. Well this has been in the works for a while....but it isn't finalized yet I believe.
  10. Nice. Yeah this has been goin on for a while. We'll find out soon enough. Cannabis will

    be legalized sooner or later depending on when the last generation of Baby Boomers
    wears thin. And then our generation will take over :hello: along with all the immature middle schoolers and their materialistic upbringings.

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