We're fast on our way to no dispensaries and no legalization. I'm changing my mind a bit about Soros and those guys right now - why the hell should they back this bullshit? The 5 parties played a game that we all lost. Good luck to WA and CO. A win in either of those states will at least keep the battle with feds going.
I really don't see how this could have happened. The CA legalization community needs to get themselves organized or else this is going to keep happening every election cycle.
[quote name='"HeaDiEs RusH"']I really don't see how this could have happened. The CA legalization community needs to get themselves organized or else this is going to keep happening every election cycle.[/quote] This happened a few monthes ago. This shows all those dumb people that think weed will Be legalized in any state. It's about the money an no mater how much "WE " have the pharma agencies will pay more to knock it down
I agree 100% there - weed will be legalized in all states, it will just take some time. Don't you think everyone will be happy when they can agree with what YOU said below a couple of days ago: "You are trippin son. I live in Cali all my shit is legal so I don't have to hide it. I get 12-14 hrs direct sun light. I put plants out in june that were over a pound a pice. I did 10 gallon buckets for fun on the side an was getting half lbs out of those. Am my big girls are in 60 gallon smart pots for 6 months. An that is not the 2-3 month veg before they even go out side" Keep up the good work there chief. You're 100% correct about those dumb people thinking weed will never be legalized.
Last time stoners got this organized it was for wall street, before that the sixties. Funny that the issue people talk about the most gets ignored by people who should give a fuck. Perhaps if we spent less time getting high, focusing on our plants, etc we could change shit. With the cycle ive witnessed in my lifetime, i doubt it.
And yet the cannabis insanity still persists in more radical states like texas... so to say yall have it made would be a tragic understatement.
[quote name='"xdog"'] I agree 100% there - weed will be legalized in all states, it will just take some time. Don't you think everyone will be happy when they can agree with what YOU said below a couple of days ago: "You are trippin son. I live in Cali all my shit is legal so I don't have to hide it. I get 12-14 hrs direct sun light. I put plants out in june that were over a pound a pice. I did 10 gallon buckets for fun on the side an was getting half lbs out of those. Am my big girls are in 60 gallon smart pots for 6 months. An that is not the 2-3 month veg before they even go out side" Keep up the good work there chief. You're 100% correct about those dumb people thinking weed will never be legalized. [/quote] This is the reason I don't care if it gets legalized. I have my 215 card an there not going to take that away. It sucks to be everyone one else that is fighting for legalization. You have all the patients that already did there fight for medical so y do it again fore legalization
yea alabama will probably be the last state to legalize =(. i mean hell you have to be 19 for cigs or a credit card, like WTF? i dont smoke cigs but if i can go to war i will smoke cigs if i want to. i will also drink or smoke weed if i want to. i dont do anything but the herb but still the laws are idiotic.
This is actually a pretty big blow to nationwide legalization.... California was probably the state most likely pass a legalization bill, outside of Washington or Colorado... I've said many times, that there can't just be 1 state legalizing, and I still believe that to be true.... A single state is going to get positively molested by the DEA/Feds, and likely have pretty big sanctions against them if they push the issue against the "Supremacy Clause"..... And that will discourage states from wanting to do the same, and suffer the same penalties. A single state legalizing will be a step forward, but I believe push the issue for nationwide legalization out a decade or more. If however, multiple states can get a legalization bill passed in the same year, each state helps legitimize the others, and the problem becomes too big for the DEA to stomp out. If something crazy happened, and like 3-5 states all legalized this year, the pressure on the government would be enormous, and the momentum irreversible. State after state would follow, much as they have with medical. Nationwide legalization could happen within a couple years under such an outcome.
Please describe this "fight" that the MMJ patients particiapted it. I hope you're not referring to going to the doc and lying about some ailment - that would really be pathetic. Out of curiosity, what do you think the average age of a cardholder in CA is?
Hmm maybe so everyone doesn't have to go to a doctor and make up some bs disease to get their medicine?(not saying that all patients do this) Maybe so other states will see the success brought by reform and think about doing the same(give hope to the rest of us). Also unless we push the issue it's only a matter of time before the feds/big pharma go back on the offensive and try to squash the current mmj system. A war can't remain deadlocked forever. Eventually it will go one way or the other. Simply sitting around and trying to maintain the current system isn't gonna work that well in the long run. Imagine you've got an army laying siege to your enemies in a castle. You cannot simply sit outside the castle forever because eventually your supplies will run out and your supporters will get hungry/tired/bored and desert. After that happens your enemies will come back out from the castle and starting reclaiming their surrounding lands. Your alternative is to actually attack the castle in a big painful battle and crush your enemy once and for all. Basically the fight has to go one way or the other eventually.
[quote name='"xdog"'] Please describe this "fight" that the MMJ patients particiapted it. I hope you're not referring to going to the doc and lying about some ailment - that would really be pathetic. Out of curiosity, what do you think the average age of a cardholder in CA is?[/quote] The fight for mmj in 96. I am sure most of the people are young an the System is a joke u can Get it for anything. Y would the people That already have it care about it being legal cuz it already is for them. Think about how many registered mmj users there are. I am sure they are not going to flock to the polls to vote For legalization. Not to say that is a privilege to have your mmj card cuz its so easy to get. But the would be like asking the privaled to fight for some thing they already have an y would there be a Need for that.
Uh maybe because it's the right thing to do or is that concept lost among everyone? Ideally you get to keep everything that you currently have and at the same time you make available all of the other wondrous benefits of this plant. Hemp/Tax dollars/Less prisons/less arrests etc.
Yep yep. The other side has much more pockets and deeper ones. Like I said, wait for the stoners today to make massive money and in the future we might see more even play. Wait another decade.
Fight ??? are you seriously questioning the legit ability of cannabis to cure ailments such as glaucoma, aids wasting syndrome, nausea alleviation from cancer treatments and aids/ relief from gastric flair ups cause from chron's disease along with many many other very real and very serious ailments. And the most beneficial aspect of this plant is it has very subtle and reasonable side effects ... one of which includes it being non-lethal and non-toxic in every way ... so why even give synthetic drugs a chance while they kill millions while shunning the legitamacy of cannabis because a portion of cardholders are rec smokers who have underlying problems that cannabis can help with ( insomnia, anxiety, weight control, ect...). You xdog sound like a hypocrite dea agent.
So basically regulatelikewine is skipping a presidential election, the year that most younger people are going to come out to vote, you know…the ones far more likely to support legalization, and instead moving it to the governors election were almost no younger people vote and those who do are mostly older and conservative i.e. less likely to vote for it. Wasn't that one of the main reasons prop 19 failed?
At this rate we are going to have to wait until the previous generation dies off xD But on a serious note, I say we are going to have to wait 20 or so years before we see some REAL change.....Call me pessimistic but at this rate full legalization seems so far off. MMJ I can see happening in a lot more states in the next decade. This year seems pretty big though considering like 10 or so states considering MMJ?
But how many of those are on ballot for a public vote? As far as I'm concerned normal bills through the house and senate are dead on intro. Last I checked Hawaii is the only state that got med threw legislature and not ballot. And were still wrestling with getting despencerys or decrim, leg keeps letting it die with no senate hearings.