Hopefully somebody can answer this for me since the DMV ttakes forever to answer a phone. About two years ago my GF's Grandpa passed away, so he left his car to her. All we have is the Registratioin which is past due, and the tags havent been paid for since 08. I've decided to pay for the tags and registration renewal so i can use the car. But first we have to change the name on the registratioin to either my name or my Gf's. But my question is, will i be able to do this even though her Grandpa has passed away and cant sign it over?
How to Transfer the Car Title of a Deceased Person | eHow.com And yeah, you'll need to provide proof of insurance to renew the registration.
oh wow i didnt know it was that much work =l . well im guessing it was appointed to her uncle first since he's the one that gave her the registration and whatnot, but her Grandpas name was still on it