CA Bust - 1,000 pounds of marijuana seized

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by xdog, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. "more dangerous than a meth lab".  lol.
  2. That's not even a lot. They just pulled. 7k plants from one grow in my county last week.
  3. That's 1 million dollars!
  4. Considering under Californian county ordinances the MAX allowable grow is 99 plants....I'd say that was an illegal grow.
  5. so sad... soooo sad :(
  6. #8 Sgtstadanko707, Aug 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2013
    It might have been. There are legal med grows with a few hundred in grass valley. Have you heard of that place rob. In the picture you can see 2 scripts hanging. I bet they were both for 99 and they were growing 93 each. 5 lb of oil. Shit n
  7. Futility at its finest.
  8. probably the most ridiculous thin I've ever heard
  9. I think this is a grey area in Cali law. As much as I have read about personal grow ordinances, I really haven't read much on caregivers and to what extent they can grow for others. Odd actually considering one day I would like to be in that situation. 1 step at a time :) I do need to look into this. For example,  in the article it was mentioned the premisis was supplying a local dispensary(s). Certianly some permit would allow this function. From what I gathered in the article...maybe not. Strange. I am no scholar regardng Cali law, and in some cases I agree there are people/entities that go WAY overboard when growing. I really like Cali law regarding personal grows, but at some point I do feel a line can be crossed and it does become illegal. (a Cartel grow for example which most NCal growers do not support) Considering my personal experience with the law, I obviouslly am no fan of a lot of laws but I still believe there is a point where the law becomes needed. As far as this particular article...I do not know. Considering they were supplying a dispensary I don't see why this was illegal but I also assumed they would need some type of permit to produce that volume. On a footnote...All that oil....OMG I haven't smoked oil in 20 yrs Damn I need to get to Cali and get a card. I had no idea what Ive been missing.
  10. All those marijuana fiends and their "extractions." makes me sick to know we live in such a world with terrible supporters of legalized Bay Area dispensaries. The nerve. ^_^
  11. Ca is pretty laxed. We don't really have caregivers like you think in other states. It's not like co where x amount of product has to be grown on location or by people working there. I grow for 4 people up here. You really don't grow for a specific dispensary. Hell I could say that I was growing for the same one to. I live about as far from the bay as those guys. You should google pot cops. It was on discovery a few mo back. It was going around the triangle with dea. Up there everyone has a 99 plant limit. Now you throw 5 99 plant limit cards out there and you got 500 plants. Not uncommon at all. They busted one guy that had 1400 legal plants. Now he is trying to sue the city for a few million in damages for cutting his crop.
  12. Very interesting. I have seen Pot Cops, as well as Weed Wars, and Wild Justice. All very interesting shows. I have seen incidences where the Cops did raid grows, hack them down, and haul off a growers' hard work under the premise of the guy "could'nt be growing all that MJ for his personal medical use".  I never quite did understand the legal aspect of how they were able to do that especially when it showed the grower had a posted permit at the grow.  Maybe a successful lawsuit against one of these agencies might make them think twice about randomly harassing permitted grows... My hope is after actually finding my little piece of heaven in Cali, I will learn/understand the hows and whys of the way things work in that neck of the woods.
  13. Wild justice is my shit. I know all those guys. I hunt with officer boyd. I am actually going to be starting the Dfg academy here in about 3 mo.
    On a side not. I turn on the tv and what's on. Pot cops. Lol.
  14. LOL, I did the same thing. I couldn't remember the name of Wild Justice so I turned on the TV schedule to look it up and Pot Cops was on....too funny.  I'd love the Fish and Game job but I am already past my prime.
  15. One and Two pounds of Kief...... :smoking:  :smoking:  :smoking:

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