C02 small indor grow,quetions and dangers.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by joef_gr, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Hello,
    Im getting my stuff together to finally start soon.
    one thing that i couldn't find sufficient info about was c02 in small inside areas.
    For one single small plant,indoors in the basement close to the heater,does it have enough c02?
    do i need to add more or the 2 fans i have are sufficient with the air flow?

    also,because im going to be sleeping and stuff very close to the box,are any dangers from the plant releasing c02 on the atmosphere or using alot of oxygen and putting my health in danger?

    thank you!

  2. You should forget about your CO2 idea. You can do alot more with your time.
  3. The CO2 levels will be fine as well as the two fans. Just pay attention to your temperature to make sure it isn't too hot. Also, the plant doesn't release CO2. Plants absorb CO2 and produce oxygen.
  4. ok thank you people for your help,i thought so that the c02 levels would be ok for one plant.

    about the c02 release,i remember back in highschool in biology when our teacher was saying that the plants at night when there is no photosynthesis they start using oxygen to repair their cells for the next day,so its a unhealthy to be sleeping in a room with plants.

    thats why was asking. is that a myth??
  5. like BMP said plants dont use oxygen they use co2 day or night.

    You should have paid more attention in class bro.

    Plants are the reason we have O2 or oxygen to breathe because they filter out C02 and excrete O2. Thats why cutting down the rainforests (aka the earths carbon scrubber) increases c02 in the atmosphere.

    In short no it is not dangerous to sleep in the same room as a plant.

    This thread wins.

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