C02 Concerns

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Bluebird310, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Ok I have a grow tent in the garage thats partly open due to the lack of equipment that I have. I dont have a can fan or inline fan so I use a floor fan that works very well. Ok so can these clones (that are flowering) receive C02 from the outside air? I'm currently using "Excellofizz" for c02. Sounds weird but I dont have the fans and all that yet. And is there any other way to get C02 that works well? And do flowering clones need C02?
  2. I never use C02 supplementation when I grow. Think about it; when the cannabis plants grow wild, they don't have any machines pumping them C02.
  3. Some would say that all plants on earth have been severely CO2 deprived for millions of years! Let them growwwwww!
  4. Thanks guys:wave:

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