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Bye bye new job?.. hair test

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mystmoore, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Wow, been lookin for a job for 3 months now. Finally thought I got lucky. Went for the interview and it went great. Full time with decent pay. I would have finally got back on my feet. I'm about to leave and DT comes up. Told me its a hair sample..... heh. Probably the last thing I expected. I knew if I aced the interview then the DT would be fine with someone elses urine. Looks like im fucked. So.... yep. :eek:
  2. shave your head lol
  3. Friend said my hair is too short for a sample from my head.. so armpit, leg or arm hair...
  4. shaving your head wont do anything. dont do that.
  5. I'm sorry to hear that man, the economy isn't helping anything either.

    I would keep applying for jobs then just hope that you pass the hair test. Who knows maybe they will pull a lucky hair for you.

  6. I'm just curious if they NEED 1.5 inches of hair... well I dont have any hair on my body that long. A blood test would be doable with time obviously. Urine easier with no time needed. Guess I'm a bad person because I like to smoke mj at night... I don't deserve a job..... Yes, I'm sure all DT's are for insurance purposes but gimme a fucking break. I'm not going to work stoned!
  7. It depends a lot of your ethic group etc. My friend who is black got a hair test taken from his arm and past he was smoking on the way over and he never stopped smoking
  8. time to go hairless:)
  9. Lol my dad thought he was going to get a hair folecule test for his probation so he put some shit in his hair and it turned his hair orange.
  10. Read that link man, That guy made a great post and it sounds plausible. If you dont have the $99 then I say scrub scrub scrub like a motherfucker and shave everything from the neck down to 1/8 ''
  11. Shave everything
    Tell them you're afraid of hair.
  12. Shaving your head after they tell you its a hair test would be very suspicious.

    I'm suprised (and frightened) to hear this. When I was in a Drug Education class in college they said hair tests are supposedly highly accurate and can go back a long time (I had heard 6 months), but they said that they are far too expensive to be used commonly. This was 4 years ago though.
  13. That's one of the dumbest things I've heard today. Ethnicity makes absolutely zero difference.
  14. Maybe hes trying to start a race war?

    Also it'll stay in your hair until you get it cut short enough from what I've heard
    SO that shit can pretty much be a timeline of your life
    That's what I was told.
  15. why are they called drugtests? they're basically mj tests since everything else is out of your system after a week
  16. i think that there is a shampoo that'll do the, put it on your armpits and legs, i guess lol

  17. its just because he's got dem NAPPY ROOTS! but honestly, ethnic group? really? lol
  18. this sucks man...i really feel for ya. People like us never catch a damn break.
  19. i blame the government :mad: i wouldn't be surprised if DT are just ment for MJ. Can other drugs be tested in your hair? o.o

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