Bye bye Alt Right

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. #1 SmokinP, Aug 16, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
    Comrades, whilst the events in Charlottesville at the weekend have been disturbing to watch there is reason to be optimistic.

    The Alt Right have signed their own death warrant with their blatant display of hate and bigotry. This was not a gathering of right wing patriots or Tea Party Republicans. This was a uniformed and armed procession of politically serious white nationalists.

    The revulsion at their disgusting and blatant display is growing by the hour with condemnation coming from all sides. People's eyes have now been opened. Hallelujah.
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  2. I disagree,

    Why are people conflating everyone their as a racist or hate?

    Most people who went to protest all believed in preserving the history of this country that their forefathers had fought for and help created.

    Let's check the facts:

    The Alt Right had a legal permit to protest.

    The Alt Left didn't have a permit.

    The Alt Right exercised the second amendment and first amendment.

    The Alt Left showed up with weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons.

    One of the speaker named baked Alaska was hit with a chemical attack and maybe blind for expressing his freedom.

    Baked Alaska Hospitalized, Partially Blind After Suffering Antifa Acid Attack |

    This is something out of Isis throwing acid and tearing down monuments that are I didfrent to your viewpoint. This is crazy!!!

    The use of coke bottles filled with urine and feces were thrown at the protestors.(alot right) Most of these people were those that wanted to preserve their history and culture that helped build this nation.

    As far as I'm concerned this antifa moment seems to be the early stage of bolkveism. The revolution that led to communist take over of Russia.

    Communism is responsible for Stalin and his 60 million genocide and Mao with his 80 Million not to mentioned Vietnam, Korea, Bolivia, Congo, Cuba.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
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  3. Hahahaha, just the beginning comrade. Landrace got it down, people are sick of this sad little antifa bullshit and won't put up with it anymore.
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  4. #4 SmokinP, Aug 16, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017

    You can post whatever links you want and try and defend the Nazi scum that turned up in Charlottesville but the cat is well and truly out of the bag now. Everyone can see with their own eyes what happened here, they don't need sensationalist links about some scumbags getting what they deserve to see who's right and wrong here.

    Anyone who stood with the Alt-right in Charlottesville did so in a show of support for white nationalism/supremacists. These freaks are convinced Jews control the world and that the White man is somehow superior ffs.

    What are they and you trying to defend? The US's heritage is one that is soaked in slavery and bigotry which any decent American is happy to leave in the past.
    America is the land of the free not the land of white power.

    Just wait and see the backlash these thugs are going to face the next time they dress up in their little uniforms and white power regalia. It's all over for Pepe now.
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  5. Far from it Johnny, white power extremists are in the minority. The Alt-right can dress this up as a "freedom or a free speech" charade but any fool and his dog can see what's going on here.

    This isn't a fight against the left or Antifa, this is Nazi scum/White Supremacists/various other knuckle draggers who have become empowered of late and crawled out from the sewer.
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  6. I think you may have missed some Americanism across the pond again, Comrade.

    The only thing you are right about is that actual white power extremists are in the minority, because unlike what the rhetoric from the regressive Left has been for the past years, the vast majority of whites aren't racist.

    Leftist and Antifa problems however begin, when they blanket accuse the entire white race of racism, privilege and supremacy. This is why the tide against Antifa will only continue to rise, and that is good.

    Anyone thinking Charlottesville was the end of either side is not very aware.
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  7. Would you have stood with the Alt-right in Charlottesville comrade?
  8. I would have stood with anyone defending ALL speech.

    I will stand with no one who argues for supremacy or victimhood in 2017 US based on skin color.
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  9. If anything it's just gonna get worse
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  10. Intolerance and bigotry has always existed and unfortunately always will.
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  11. why do they automatically go to racism? Because they are unable to form an actual thought on their own, rely on groupthink and echo chambers. Racism is an easy thing to tag everyone with and comes with that "shock value". Except, people who actually think for themselves are obviously not racist, we just don't like to participate in the group think tank. We are not the lemmings, lol.
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  12. You wouldn't have been in Charlottesville so comrade. Free speech is a right but white supremacists/Nazis lose that right as soon as they open their mouths and start spewing their hate.
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  13. maybe in europe. Not in the USA. EVERYONE has free speech. What don't you understand about that?
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  14. There's always a storm before the calm. Charlottesville will be a defining moment in the battle against white supremacists in the US.

    No decent Republican/traditional right winger/real Libertarian will have anything to do with the Alt-right after this. The average Joe American is not a bigot.
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  15. Cousin fucking, crack smoking, moutain dew drinking, toothless hillbilies.
  16. So you believe in free speech only so long as you agree with it?
    How very leftist of you.
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  17. they have been holding rallys FOREVER dude. This is NOT NEW. It may be new to your news coverage across the pond, but nazi's and kkk holding rallies is absolutely nothing new and absolutely protected under the 1st amendment of the UNITED STATES constitution.
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  18. Would you have stood with the Alt-right in Charlottesville J?
  19. I would have defended their right to freely and peacefully assemble, just like I am right now. I'm not defending their ideals, never have. But they have the right. We aren't going to rewrite the consititution because someone from europe doesn't like that we have free speech here. We don't rely on the government to run our lives, and your reaction is the EXACT reason why. Here you are advocating for more government control, MORE laws. So nonsensical.
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  20. More of the little childish sniping Johnny, can you string a few sentences together these days without an attempt at an insult Johnny?

    I'm down with free speech but incitement to hatred which is what the various white power/Alt-right were at in Charlottesville should be beaten down without mercy.
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