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buying pre ground bud?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. this kid i go to school with [highschool] started dealing he has alright bud but sometimes he grinds it. he doesnt for me but for some other kids he does and i was wondering isnt that kinda asshole?

    this ignorant kid im not really friends with anymore was saying it makes it more potent but i was saying no it doesnt you just get kief at the bottom of your grinder but grinding bud doesnt make it more potent and hes just like ok your stupid ive smoked longer. just cuz hes a douche whatever we can discuss how big of an ass he is later but

    if this kid is selling bud thats ground isnt he technically just giving people less potent bud then gaining a shit load of kief for himself?
  2. Pretty much. I would NEVER buy pre-ground bud.
  3. the truth he is smart hes stealling the best .01 out of every bag after a month or 2 hell have a huge fucking kief ball.
  4. Does he have a vaporizer? He could be selling off his vaped bud to suckers.
  5. That is a pretty dick move to sell someone a bag of pre-ground bud without even letting them know first. Makes it harder to pack a bowl or piece if the hole is a little bigger then normal. It also makes it harder to get all out of the bag, some of it will be stuck to the plastic.

    At the same time, if he is telling people it's ground before hand, it could be helpful for those who don't have grinders, but not very considering it's not very difficult to break up bud.

    While yes, it might be less potent, that technically doesn't matter, he can sell whatever he wants to sell, if it's less potent because its ground up and all the kief is his, he's opening up the market for competition to come in and sell bud at the same price with a higher potency. Yet again, it's pretty much his choice, the great thing about capitalism (the only great thing in fact) is that the consumer is often inundated with ways to spend the same money on the same product.
  6. I think he sold me vaped bud when i was a noob and i didnt say anything, so i dont buy through him anymore because i know he'll try and scam and hes the only kid i know that sells legit right now so if he hands me a bag of vaped bud or something skimped i dont wanna do something [decline it then when he says something hit him or something lol] then regret it by not having a steady source.

    basically he knows im not retarded with bud so he wouldnt try and scam me anymore but i still buy from his good friend who always has multiple bags from him because he gets the biggest nugs and this kid doesnt realize hes giving me fat sacks because his friend is selling his bud

  7. If your dealer is screwing other people over, there is literally no reason for him to not do the same to you. Especially if he knows you trust and rely on him, it's easier to take advantage of someone who doesn't even think to ask questions. I'm not saying he definitely is scamming you, but you can't be really sure unless you check it out for yourself, never just implicitly trust someone knowing they scam other people.

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