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Buying pipes online... in secrecy

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by i8u7y6, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I want to buy a pipe from this website, but I live with my parents. Is the box the package comes in conspicuous? Does it have a grasscity logo on it or any other writing or anything that would draw suspicion to it?
  2. ok, well im going to guess that your in the which case, you would need to have your package go through customs...if you got it from grasscity i mean......and on my box, it arrived and it was all white with tape on it and a sticker.. The sticker said customs or something with a stamp. Then....on the inside, its another smaller white box with the pipe, and screens and whatever else inside there.

    What to do when it arrives:
    When it gets there, you want to make sure to have the tracking number tracked to the right day for the arrival of the package. Then go outside and clean your car out or shovel or something, and then go outside meet the man and then throw it in your garage.
  3. my order had tape that said fragile glassware. also there was a label on the front that said glass pipe. if your parents don't get too close then it's not noticeable.
  4. If you have the money, I would definitely try to find a glassblower on here and get a very sweet , hand-blown, heady glass. They will accept money order and I'm positive if you say you want it to be discrete, that they will package it that way.

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