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buying off grasscity

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CrazyGage, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. i got a few questions about ordering off the store here
    1. how does the money order work do you have to add to cart then send the money then you get the pipe or what the box deserct like if my mom sees i get a package is it going to b obvious or what
  2. I would assume that you put it in your cart to calculate the cost after taxes and shipping. Then get a money order for that amount. Send in the money order with the item # of the item you want and your info (name address tele number email) and then say you want discreet packaging (write all that on a post it or looseleaf, Id recommend printing so it can be legible) and they will do it for you.
  3. does that cost any extra or is it free
  4. ^^cool thax

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