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buying my first pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CrazyGage, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. im looking for a cheap, easy to hide, durable pipe ive been smoking out of foilies and homemade pipes and my friends bong any suggestions please post a link to the pipe
  2. my headshop got these new bowls for 20 dollars that are made from pyrex glass. like the tupperware haha. its super durable too the guy who showed me as he calmy threw it on the hard tile ground and it bounced. so maybe go to a headshop and ask if there are any thick bowls? or make yourself a jenga piece like i did, if you have the tools :D
  3. ya the only head shop where i live is the next town over so i would hae to wait a few months until i get my liscease
  4. ah i remember when i had my learners permit
  5. if you really cant go to a headshop, GC has a good selection, but i dont think its every a good idea to buy glass before you hold it.
  6. metal, imo best thing you can buy, may my first pipe also a metal one r.i.p.
  7. hahahaha :laughing:
  8. You should buy one of these if your looking for stealth
    Its a one hitter. Really easy to hide. Goes great with a dugout.
  9. Id go with buying one online i bought two small glass pipes for 20$ shipped and there amazing i love them so much.
  10. the first pipe i bought was a smaller metal pipe it folds in half and bakes a square. its actualy 2 seperiat small peaces that are magneticly held together. it folds up and looks like a square and the magnets are on one side so you can stick it to thing so hide it. even thow the magneticness is the only thing holding it together it hits realy well. but i would say any kind of small pipe. most just want little bats or zeplins but you can pull the shit threw and inhail it if you know know how to use them.:D
    the one you put a link to would probably be fine but the only thing is if some one saw it they know it was a pipe.
  11. First pipe I bought was almost identical to that one you just posted a link for, I've had it almost a year now and it's served me well all this time!
  12. so how does the money order work or should i just ask someone with a credit card

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