Hey GC , I'm looking at buying a pipe off GC, but I'm not sure what I should get. Anybody got suggestions as to what I should buy? I'm looking for something preferably under $20. Also, would NZ customs seize the pipes or blunt wraps (if i decide to order some. Thanks NZToker2
I don't know all that much about pipes, being a person who usually smokes using joints or blunts, but something that isn't too big, and is good value. Just anything really that would be a good first pipe.
Well I'm not going to say I know a lot, because I don't, but I'll tell you what I've learned personally and give you suggestions based on that. Anyway, for a hand pipe I will always suggest a sherlock or a glass spoon. Bubbler's and Hand bongs aren't bad either, just water isn't always a solid resource, and in some cases can be a negative. So basically for all around usability I would stick with the spoon or sherlock. One thing I would do is find a headshop around locally and buy from there, the pieces there are more unique and will help fit you as a person. They are also in your price range, I know in Rochester, NY there are several headshops with spoons for 15 that go up to like 4.5-5cm long. And if you live in a smaller area, your headshop can be even cheaper. Also, don't buy penis bowls. Another option to check for a nice piece is local glassblowers, they usually have really unique pieces for cheap, and will do commissions for quite cheap. Now if you don't want to do that, then my recommendation would be this. The reviews will speak everything I could say about the hand bong, so I'll let them say it. If you do decide to try and buy from a local headshop, be discreet. Call the pieces water pipes or glass spoons, most won't care, but some will act really stupid because they view bong or bowl as drug talk. I know a guy who was removed from a more mainstream headshop because he mentioned bong to one of the cashiers. I hope this wasn't too much rambling, but that's my thoughts. P.S. Read up on the sticky around here that talks about buying pieces as it mentions a lot of specifics that will help you when you go in and peruse.
Pipes $3-8 Stone $2-15 Wood $5-20 Glass Dugouts $3-11 Wood $5-9 Stone Chillums $5-20 Stone $3-10 Clay $5-23 Wood