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Buying first bong

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jdogtulsa, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Spending at most 40 bucks, and I just need to know what all I need to buy. Do they come with the bowl? And also, does GC take paypal? Never bought from them before... Thanks for the help :)

  2. most bongs do not come with bowls, bowls cost usually 7-15 dollars for a standard glass one. 40 bucks aint gonna get you a nice bong...why not just save up. i wouldnt pay less than 70 for a bong and i dont consider myself rich.

  3. Basically that.
  4. Definitely spend more than $40. You want a nice 1ft single perk glass bong for your first. It'll get you used to smoking out of one and you'll get massive hits. Should be spending around $80 for something like that
  5. Go to your headshop. I got at foot tall purple frosted bong with the batman symbol and batman himself smoothed into the glass for 35$ and it came with the bowl and i love it. It depends on yourhead shop but you can get some really good deals at them if its a good one.
  6. This. I have a 375$ triple perc ice bong nd i got a 40 dollar bong at my local headshop its 2 feel tall red with clear flames, bombest shit ever I use it the most.
  7. You get what you pay for bro save up
  8. If you don't want to spend more than $40, go plastic. I got a 2ft acrylic with a slide included plus a 2nd, bigger bowl for the slide for 35. Glass is nice but really it's kind of a luxury item; acrylics work just as good, don't break, and they're a fraction of the cost.
  9. Thanks for all the replies, I just want to go cheap as I just started toking a few months ago, and I want a cheap one for my first one. Never even smoked out of one.
  10. If its your first bong, just go with whatever. I dont see a problem with a cheap acrylic one if you just want to use it to sesh every now and again.

    Err'day use? I would probably invest a bit more in a nice glass one just because its easier to clean and far smoother. And no yuck metal bowl taste, my 2c.
  11. where are you buying your waterpipes at bra ive never been to a head shop that didnt give you at least a cheap slide piece with your bong

    to op $40 should be enough for a cheap bong you should definately hit up your local head store or tobacco store they have the best deals on pieces
  12. Yeah dude, I don't blame you for starting small and cheap. I bought my first glass tube for $70 and I accidently broke it 6 months later. It's just something you have to get used to and that will include making mistakes. I'd rather you break a $40 tube than a $80 tube.

    Personally, I'd stay away from acrylic. The cheap toxic plastic can leech out into the water and make a bad tasting smoke. They're pretty to look and cheap, but that's not a great reason to use them. Be very careful of import glass. They skip certain steps in the glass-blowing process that can lead to weaker glass. They do work, but with repeated use they can break easier than USA made glass. If you want to start cheap, then I suggest an import piece. When you're ready to upgrade, try the domestic made glass.

    If you need instructions on how to use a tube or how to use a metal screen, just GOOGLE prestige pipes use a tube, or use a screen. That site is very helpful to beginners.

    I hope this helps you, dude. Good luck!
  13. Hey man, I was also just shopping for my first bong and after looking around online for a couple days, I decided to go with this $50 Black Leaf from Grasscity.

    Percolator Bong Blue - Black Leaf - English -

    $50 seemed to be the best value buy online for a glass bong with a perculator, ash catcher, and ice catcher. I particularly wanted a bong with an ice catcher because I've heard the hits are amazingly smooth. I would give you my personal review, but I just ordered it the other day and it hasn't come in the mail yet. It has 30+ positive reviews though.
  14. I just got a 14.5" percolator glass water bong from for about $75 all together. Hits great and is a really nice piece! 

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