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Buying AVB?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by figarofigaro, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. I actually don't know anybody that vapes personally... but I'm simply curious.

    Would you every buy AVB for cooking and stuff?

    How much would you pay for it?
  2. For making edibles, sure

    id pay about $1.00 a gram. Maybe up to $2.00 if its good abv or still has a little green left
  3. Yeah my caregiver will give me all of his vapedbud for $1 a gram but i nvr buy it
  4. Lol! Or buy some real weed. Enjoy buying someones fried scraps.
  5. No I would not
  6. Already vaped been? Love it
  7. [quote name='"NeverMistakeMe"']Already vaped been? Love it[/quote]

    Already vaped bud
  8. [quote name='"GabbaGabbaHey"']

    Already vaped bud[/quote]

    Oahhhhh I see now.
    Well since I made myself look a little silly I may as well post something topic related xd

    On topic: I would buy it for maybe 50¢ to $1.00 a gram for mids, and $1.00 to $2.00 for piff. But I definitely wouldn't go out of my way to get it, if I had money to blow at the time and I happened to be offered then iight :p
  9. why not buy dank, vape the living fuck out of it, and then use it for cooking. two birds stoned at once!
  10. Ya I wouldn't buy a can of beverage that was 90 percent consumed either.
  11. [quote name='"BongRacer"']why not buy dank, vape the living fuck out of it, and then use it for cooking. two birds stoned at once![/quote]

    Third time I read this post and I just caught onto that wordplay, nice one good sir! :smoke:
  12. I wouldn't waste my money on it.

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