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Buying an oz?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CALIbaakd, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I was planning on buying an ounce of weed. My birthday is in 3 days & im getting 150. I got 50 right now so i'll have $200. I convinced my dealer to sell me an oz. for $200. Is it worth it? He said he'd get me some good purp cuz he has a friend that has a card.
  2. I get my oz's for around $300.. Sounds legit to me. Make sure it looks like some dank shit and you will be a happy camper. Crystally as fuck and has a nice smell to it.
  3. Yeah man i pay 200 for my ounces, don't pay him till you see the bad though. Go for it
  4. Hahai definately know how crystally goodness looks like.
  5. As long as you get hiiiiiigh anything is a good deal man :smoke:

    But seriously, sounds legit. I mean your gonna smoke that much weed anyway, might as well buy it all at once so its cheaper
  6. first time buyin' an ounce? big bags are nice and $200 is a good price.
  7. OP is your name Reese? and if so when will you be hitting me up to help you kill this O?
  8. I have to pay $300 an Ounce (Dank) so yeah, i'd say thats good.
  9. Make sure it's an ounce and not like 3 grams.
  10. Get him to scale that shit before he sees the money
  11. i pay 60-100$ for my ounces of course we dont get dank here >.<
  12. Are you sure you want to blow ALL your money on weed?

  13. of course he does silly, if he didn't he would probably spend it on something he doesn't need, like food or shelter or something stupid like that
  14. Good deal bro if legit.
  15. Yeah seeing as your getting $200 for your birthday, do you really want to down it all in one?

    Id much rather buy a game or movie, some dank buds and get some mates round for pizzas and a chop :)

  16. yeeeeeah bro, "pizza's and a chop"
    i knew you were from australia :smoke: :D
  17. you should sling that o bra if its legit make your money back and then some

  18. I blow it all on the bud. Then smoke up some friends and they should supply the munchies
  19. i would just get an oz of regs for around 100, then with the other 100 i would save so i got money to blow, and some bud to chef on.
  20. every birthday I have all my money goes towards weed. dont listen to these people do what you want. sounds pretty legit and dont make the mistake of buying weed over time in like eights you will get a lot less if you plan to spend it on weed buy it at once!

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