Buying a subwoofer with a tear in it ?

Discussion in 'General' started by I Wayne, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. This guy is selling a rockford 10 inch for $30 but it has a tear. That is not a bad price IMO but how can tears effect it in the long run ? Thanx.:smoking:
  2. Haha don't fuckin buy a subwoofer that has a tear in it. It's blown out, it'll sound like absolute shit, you won't be bumpin, it'll just be rattling like plastic smacking plastic really fast. You could maybe have it refurbished, but by the time that's done you would have paid just as much if not more as you would have if you bought a functional subwoofer new or used.
  3. It'll affect sound quality at high volume especially
  4. Oh damn alright thanks. Craigslist is failing me these days hah.
  5. Got a pic? If the tear isn't big, there are certain types of glue that are made for subwoofer tares.
  6. NO NO NO. If you use it to any large capacity a small rip turns into a monster rip. Then it might as well not work because it will sound like shit and annoy the hell out of you.
  7. Yeah theres a pic of it. Was just going to buy the non torn one most likely.

    Attached Files:

  8. Lookz like shyt anywayz
  9. glue it and use it<----------:cool:
  10. If it were a quality subwoofer, it would be worth getting fixed at that price, but it's just a RF so I wouldn't do it.

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