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Buying a Grinder?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GreenBreen, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. I'm looking to buy a grinder, but know very little about them. I understand I probably want a 4 pc for kief collecting? Could someone point me to some quality grinders for under $60? Thanks!
  2. Ok I have a 4 pc grinder I got A prepaid vanilla visa and ordered it on for 20$ including shipping. It's worth it just grind upside down to get it nice and crushed then flip it back over and tap the lid to make sure the bud goes to the next chamber. The Keif catcher is great 2gs of northern lights had so much pollen. Oh and make sure it's a metal grinder with a magnetic lid
  3. Go to Amazon. Some really good ones on there for really cheap. I got an excellent 5 piece for 28 (including shipping.)

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