buy or build

Discussion in 'Advanced Growing Techniques' started by piff toker, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. hey guys this will be my third grow you can say and now i think i am ready to clone.should i buy or build the clone box
    this is what i had in mind

    Hydroponics, Indoor Gardening Supplies, Hydroponic Systems - home

    i will be starting from seed form should i take my cutting while they are flowering and turn them back in order for the grow to finish and then start with the clones if that makes since can someone please explain how they would clone from seed on sorry
  2. Honestly man an AeroGarden that you can get for about $90 in the store (Bed Bath & Beyond) is AMAZING for cloning. That's what I use and I've had a 100% success rate. I have a little bottle of rooting harmone (powder) that cost $3.99 at the local hardware/garden store (Lowes).

    Like I said it's absolutely perfect. I could give you a picture if you want but yea, that thing you showed me is a rip off to be honest. An aeroponics system is ideal for cloning, but an AeroGarden does the job GREAT!
  3. #3 HerbalAssassin0, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    or you could just build your own for $30-40 bucks and a few hours....

    alls it really takes is some pvc pipe, a few 90 degree bends and a few caps and a water pump.

    theres a great thread on here somewhere, should be stickied, thats a DIY cloner. i built a few myself but eventually went on to build my own design.

    edit: i believe the posters name of the good thread is rumpleforeskin, just use the search button and search for threads posted by him, and you should be able to find it. it has pictures and step by step instructions, its real easy to make.

    a word of advice tho, if you do decide to build your own, just drill holes into the pvc pipe, dont worry about the lil sprinklers.... just use some spare screen or get a lil screen from your local home depot or whatever.... the screen will divert the water pressure and act as a sprayer would...

    (note the water pumps seem to lose like 95% of their water pressure if you try to fitler them thru sprinkler system sprayer thingys)

    don't waste the money like me, try and do it right the first time... took me 3-4 tries and a coupla pumps, but i got it right in the end....

    ive now got a home built system, 24 site, 4 pump interconnected system inside a big ol 40-50 gallon tub, probaly in the end cost me around 70-80 bucks, so around the same price as the aerogarden, but mine probaly whomps that one outta the water, and has more clone sites...

    not to mention the expierence you gain yourself might give you other ideas or inspire you to try hydro for yourself, again without all the expensive ass systems people try to sell to other less expierenced people such as yourself and i.

    the confidence i got building my own is making me try hydro out real soon here.... gunna build my own bubble bucket system, and hook up 3 buckets into 1 intregrated system.
  4. this one is most like the one you were looking to buy:

    this one looks like a good one too:

    i used this diy 6 months after i starting cloning and i have had every single cutting grow roots and transplant to soil fine:

    this is mine, 5 flowering cuttingss taken around day 25 of 12/12, trying that monster cropping thing out, and 4 normal cuttings just taken earlier tonight:

    Attached Files:

  5. I just built one today. $30 at Walmart for everything! Definitely build your own!
  6. #6 Wasabe, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Following Rumpleforeskin's cloner plan I built my own a few days ago. I had everything needed for it from previous projects (including mister heads and water pump) but still would have built my own if I had to buy the raw materials again. DIY hydro/aero is not only fun to build but you get to learn the 'whys' of your system(s) not just the 'hows'.

    The 8-site Daisy cloner is $60US (+shipping, which is probably going to run about $20), and that is pretty damn cheap as far as ready-made goes. But, you can buy all the raw materials from Lowes for less than $40 (not sure if you can get the mister heads at Lowes but they run about 50cents each online depending where you shop).

    The net pots can be purchased online for really cheap, like 10cents each from what I remember. I have a ton left over from buying in bulk a while back. I've never used neoprene inserts before but figured I would for this project since I've never cloned in a set-up quite like this before. But, I happen to have some water tight high density foam gym floor mat squares (pack I bought at K-Mart for $15) and I used a 3" hole saw (I use 3" net pots instead of 2") to cut out the inserts and went along the edges with scissors to clean 'em up then cut a slit to the center. I got 10 3" inserts from 1/3 mat square.

    Rumple says the cloner he built is very similar to one that he had previously bought and both of them use only RO (reverse osmosis) water, (no nutes, no rooting hormones) and the success rate is 100% with the clones showing roots in 10-14 days.
  7. That aeroponics system looks like a total rip.

    Successful cloning/seeding seems to me to be more dependent on the gardener him/herself than on expensive equipment. Put that extra money into your flowering room where it matters most.

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