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Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by nuglife4life, May 13, 2011.

  1. So I'm looking for a good recipe to make butter or oil with just an ounce of some headies. If anyone has one please let me know is appreciate it
  2. with an O of headies, all you need is like, a quarter for a nice batch.

    I use Ero's crockpot method when I make my butter, it has yet to fail me once. It always works.
  3. #3 nuglife4life, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    What exactly is Eros crockpot method. Been smoking for ten years but never cooked anything
  4. I blitz the green in the blender, add it along with a block of butter to boiling water, let it simmer (some say 30mins is good, some 10mins and others say 8hours is best) then filter out plant matter via some cheesecloth (I used my girlfriends leggings last time) pouring it into a container, put it in the fridge over night and voilà the cannabis infused butter is set hard as a top layer above the water, remove pat dry and store!


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