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Butter as bong water???

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TrueFiction, May 28, 2012.

  1. I know this is old news, but I still don't have a straight answer on the topic. I've made my own bong that comes apart in two parts. The first part is the actual bong, it's fully functional as a regular bong and is relatively small. The second part is a detachable mouth chamber with a filter sealed around the bottom, allowing for minimal air flow. Melted butter is to be poured into the open bong, and soon later (after attaching the chamber) the bud would be lit, smoke travel into the butter, and the filter would allow the smoke to churn in the butter for a few seconds before coming through into the mouth piece. The device is not the issue, I'd just like to know if the THC would be in the butter long enough for a reasonable amount to dissolve.

    Thanks guys! This is my first post as a member, but I'm hoping more will be coming through soon! Excited to be a part of the community! : D

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  2. It may work if you use it long enough.
  3. There's butter ways to get high. :smoke:
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  4. That just sounds ridiculous. Plus your cholesterol will go through the roof if your smoking butter bongs all the time.
  5. This sounds...yeah, I'm leaving now.
  6. Dude. No. Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
  7. Why not just make edibles..?
  8. I see what your trying, but no. The main problem will be after your done smoking your bongs the butter will harden in the bottom, and bits of ash and such will be stuck in there.
  9. I figure that some of the cannabinoids are wasted in the process of making THC Butter through the "Simmering" process. I wouldn't be smoking through this bong, it's just a way of completely dissolving all of the cannabinoids into smoke, and then allowing that to dissolve into the butter. It's my hope that the smoke doesn't come through the filter at all, and because of this, would be stuck in the butter chamber and dissolve into the butter.
  10. Oh, and I want the butter to harden afterwards. I just want to know if the THC would be stuck in it
  11. No. It doesn't work that way. And you don't wanna be smokin through fats. You know what lipid pneumonia is? I'm on my phone so I can't post the link. Look it up on wiki
  12. I wouldn't be inhaling, the mouth piece is is just to get the smoke into the butter. If you don't mind my asking why exactly wouldn't it work? I ask only to understand
  13. [​IMG][​IMG]
  14. Umm... Much appreciated?
  15. hahaha
  16. google it...

    Lipid pneumonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    butter is guess what...go on...guess....

    anywhooo...nasty idea...just make some cannabutter the right way,:rolleyes:
  17. You shouldn't do it. It won't even diffuse properly.
  18. Is OP Paula Deen?
  19. is this actually a serious question?

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