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Butane Help so I dont BLOW MYSELF UP

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TylerEChase, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. what kind of butane do i use for bho I fucked up and had a durp moment and bought some random shit and i dont think ronsons will work. Where do i get it and around how much is it. Im in the Seattle area
  2. Ya man be careful with that shit I blew my tent up with butane once lol.
  3. Get some vector lots of people use it or anything that's 5x refined or more

  4. Do any major chains sell it? and around how much do you pay for it im making my bho today hopefully
  5. [quote name='"TylerEChase"']

    Do any major chains sell it? and around how much do you pay for it im making my bho today hopefully[/quote]

    Not sure. Some headshops carry it. If your in a medical state may be easier to find. Otherwise get like a six pack of cans off the internet.
  6. [quote name='"OGkushak"']

    Not sure. Some headshops carry it. If your in a medical state may be easier to find. Otherwise get like a six pack of cans off the internet.[/quote]

    He is in a medical state. I also live near Seattle so i would know haha.
  7. You need food grade butane.
    Not cheap stuff, BAD BAD BAD.

    But, if you don't know what you are doing, don't do it.
    It is very dangerous and easy to fuck up, and when you fuck up you can burn yourself or blow up your garage.
    Vector is the best.

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