So me, my roommate, and another friend are smoking in my dorm room on our college campus in Columbia, MO (something that has been done multiple times throughout the past few months). I smoke some weed out of my bowl (normally I would use my dugout in the dorm but for some reason I was feeling the bowl) after I do that my roommate decides he wants to smoke some of his shit out of his own bowl. Two minutes later we hear a knock on the door.... it's our friend who walks in and notices that we have been smoking and decides to pack a bowl of his own. As he is smoking and I am pretty blazed I realize that smoking 3 different bowls in a dorm room is very risky and this seems like a bad idea...but also consider that I am stoned and could just be paranoid. So I try to speed the process up so we can go throw the football around like we originally planned. I go to take a piss and come out of the bathroom to KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I don't really think twice about it and open the door (I might have looked through the peephole but I'm not sure.) On the other side of the door stands two police officers... and my stomach drops. They come in the room realizing there are multiple people and ask me specifically if I know why they are there. I obviously do and tell them so. One of the cops asks if we have any marijuana or paraphernalia in the room to which we all say yes because we know we're fucked. I give the cop my piece, about a half-eight of weed, and my dugout which were all in the drawer right under his nose. My roommate and friend both give the cop everything they have (less than an eight of weed and a piece each) and the cop pulls the ole "I'm a small town cop and the most important thing to me is honesty so I'll try to help you guys out here." He acts like he enjoys the fact that we were watching the playoff NFL game at the time but in hindsight I realize it was all a load of crap. He proceeds to tell us that we will get taken down to the station and get fingerprinted and processed (a very scary thing to hear for two kids who have never even gotten a speeding ticket.) A second later he turns to me and tells me to turn around and put my hands behind my back and slaps cuffs on all three of us. The first time the cops walked in the door they said they wanted to keep this private and pulled us further into the room and shut the door. However, after we were cuffed they dragged us out in the hallway of our dorm and forced us to sit on the ground in cuffs while multiple students on our floor were walking over us to move their shit back into their dorm rooms from Christmas break. The guys across the hall have a bunch of people over in their room and we are basically put on display as entertainment. One of the cops searches the room while the other keeps an eye on us. The whole time I am thinking to myself what I could possibly have in the safe that is underneath my bed. Of course, the cop comes out of the room and asks whose safe it I own up to it and even agree to open it for him thinking there was nothing bad in it (after making him take the cuffs off me of course)...I open the safe to find a pill bottle that I once used to keep weed in along with a small pipe that I only used once but told the cop had never been used...he took it all anyway. After all of this I convince the cops, though not easily, to take us out of the building through the side door to avoid even further humiliation. We get in the cop car for a grand total of 30 second seeing as the campus police station is right across the street from our dorm. As soon as we get to the station, my two friends are put into the two jail cells they have while one of the cops gets all my info, mugshot, and belongings. Halfway through this process they let my roommate out of one of the cells and do the same for him. They then try to fingerprint me which takes upwards of 15 minutes because according to the cops technology sucks (A.K.A. my hands were sweaty.) After about an hour of being in the station they let me go with a citation for possession of under 35g and paraphernalia. Called my mom right after to break the news that not only I smoke pot but I got busted in my dorm doing so....she took it surprisingly well. Guess we'll see where it goes from here.
Damn dude thats pretty crazy. Definately buzz killed. Cool cops in cali just tell you to gtfo or take your shit and have you leave. Or you get a 100 dollar ticket
DUDE. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but there's a magical way of writing, and it involves using PARAGRAPHS. this way of writing is called BEING POSSIBLE TO READ WITHOUT CREATING A HEADACHE. LOL, but seriously man, this wall of text just completely put me off reading it.