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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by J4K3ST3R, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. alright guys, i keep my stash in a small box inside of my N3L sunglasses store bag under my desk, i keep a hat and a bamboo tablet on top to keep from being able to see whats in it... my dads not the kind of person to normally be snooping through my stuff but...
    today, after coming home from a good night at a friends house down the street, i found my stash to be checked... it was all flipped around and not organized like i had it, there was a fresh pack of cigs for a friend that was hooking me up with some bud, since i dont smoke cigs, and my rolling machine, papers, and baggies but no actual weed thank god.
    but i have no idea what to do, he hasnt said anything about it to me yet, he didnt take anything out of my stash? just looked, and also, i took a scale(a triple beam balance, one of those big ass things from science class) from his closest that he had to weigh something out, and ended up leaving it under my bed...
    i come home to see he has it laying on the counter in his bathroom by his closet...
    i mean who knows, he may be completely chill about it, but im paranoid as shit
  2. dont make a big deal about it just confront him about it ask him if he was snooping threw ur room just say some of ur stuff was moved

  3. but i know it was him, hes the only one that i live with... ohh well, hes acting all weird but fuck it, i changed stash spots and put that shit in a fool proof place... if he does say something then whatever, i just dont want to have that talk
  4. do not ask him about it. Just leave it alone unless he brings it up. There is so much stuff that can back fire about asking him if he was snooping through your stuff. (Maybe he just ran out of papers and needed to borrow one)
  5. he was looking for his scale to weigh up HIS weed lol, he doesnt wanna get ripped off :rolleyes:
  6. i would say he went snooping when he realized the scale in his closet was gone.
    he could be angry you went through his shit.

    that kind of shows some disrespect if you ask me.

    but i dont know your dad. good luck
  7. I wouldn't worry to much about it, don't bring it up. Just switch stash spots and keep going. He might be cool with it, just give it time.
  8. Sounds like when I used to live in my parents home and EVERY fucking time I'd leave the house my brother would steal bud off of me, He'd always take a small amount to try and make it so I didn't notice but every single time I'd notice and knew he took it, he denied taking it every single time I asked, eventually I got sick of it and left home, that was when I was 16.
  9. this is how i think it went down, he knows im acting kinda weird... and i know he is, i dont think he looked in my weed suplys, just saw the pencil box they are in... but he saw the cigarettes that werent mine! lol, he still hasnt said anything, so fuck it... im just gonna forget about it:p but he did say something about the momey i owe him... i bought something on amazon for $50 and told him id pay him $30 when i got the money from my mom... and when she gave it to me, i bought a new scale! lol, time to go knock on peoples door with some shit to sell:p
  10. Your an ass

    It's disrespectful to borrow money and not pay it back.

  11. well you, ass, dont know the full situation, because before he told me to not worry about it... since he didnt expect my mom to pay me...
  12. better yet, don't borrow money unless you absolutely need to. Get a job, save up your money, and get your own place. It makes things so much easier man. You should not re-up your stash until you pay back your father. Debt is a priority always.
  13. Ok ...... So what about it ? Pointless thread really

    Shouldn't this be in the apprentice at least .

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