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busted with no ticket with weed an owi am i off the hook?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ridgeerocket, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. okay so i was pulled over for a an owi and possession of weed 178 days ago and i live in Michigan i was arrested booked blood drawn whole 9 yards but the next morning when being released i was never given a ticket just this temporary driving permit and a towing card and the guy said in two weeks you will get a warrant letter in the mail but its been 6 month and my friends all around me that have gotten busted at the same time are on and almost of probation and im still here like wheres my shit? i just dont see why they didnt give me a ticket dose that mean im off the hook or..?
  2. You should call the courthouse. You probably missed a court date
  3. Yea I would call too, last thing you need is to find out you missed the date, have a bench warrant and get pulled over again
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  4. Yeah this happened to me. Failure to appear is the worst charge ever
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  5. yea but ive checked and i dont have warrant for my arrest and they said they would mail me something when they got my blood test results back and that dosent make any scene cant get in trouble when ive never had a court date...
  6. If they send you something saying you are in trouble or have to do something thats not court just politely decline and ask when your court date is.
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  7. okay thank your for your help
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  8. Anytime. The legal system fucking sucks so good luck
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  9. Yeah lost my ride to court for poss like twenty minutes before. He was gonna give me 15 days in jail but didn't since I turned myself in what about you? And to the OP that does sound like something that could maybe get you off
  10. 15 days for possession?! How much did you have? I live in a state that possession is decriminalized so if you have under an ounce its only a fine.
  11. No for the failure to appear and the poss was my first charge so I got probation for it
  12. What the fuck. My failure to appear just got me thrown in jail since it was a warrant but I was out 8 hours later. Thats insane.
  13. I'm in VA. You?
  14. This is going to be surprising, but Mississippi. However, I'm moving out of this hell hole state soon. Im tired of all these rednecks
  15. Yeah I am planning to move to Colorado since it's my only real choice but I have family there and yeah I could see that being a problem honestly lol
  16. I'm moving to Chicago. They have it legalized for medical but with really strict prescriptions. Im sure it will just be a matter of time before everything works out for IL though. They will get more relaxed. You could move to Oregon? Its legal to grow there too.
  17. Oh if you don't mind me asking what issues do you have to get that prescription there? I think it's legal to grow in CO and unfortunately I'm not stable enough to move on my own so have to strick to living with family right now
  18. Cancer, chrons disease, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis. Doctors are being pressured not to prescribe it though and there are currently only 10,000 patients. Its also extremely difficult to open a dispensary or cultivation center.
  19. Oh man well good luck to ya :smoke:
  20. Thank you thank you. Im moving to Chicago for completely unrelated reasons so I'll be fine
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