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busted bad warrant oops...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by smojoe4, Nov 17, 2011.

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  1. on April 1st of 2011.that's right, April fools day. our home was broken into by four different law agencies of our state.they stormed our building with guns drawn on me as I arose from the slumber of my bed. it was just after the midnight hour. they demanded I get down on the floor. where I was kneed in the back and handcuffed. My girlfriend received the same treatment. they then began to yell at me "where's the dope". they also wanted to know where was my nephew. this all confused me very much as I had not seen my nephew in five months.They then began a search of our very large home/church. We live in an old church with the lower floor converted to living quarters.notice I do not say a former church, as I am a ordained minister. the cops decided we are a former church. My girlfriend and I are considered handicapped and both on disability. in other words we are both sick and poor. I suffer from multiple sclerosis and my girlfriends has a multitude of ailments from diabetes.At the time of our arrest I was also suffering from a kidney stone attack. anyway to make this very long story shorter, the reason they were breaking in our door was because my nephew had been arrested for trafficking weed. some one in his circle of trusted friends told the cops that he had hidden his weed at his uncles house. But we thought this was not true because we had not seen him in five months.the cops asked me "how do you know he didn't stash some weed here"? to witch I replied "how do I know your not going to"? after all it would make you cops look pretty bad if you broke in here and found nothing. in the end here is what they claim they found. they said there was a bag of processed weed in our refrigerator freezer. they also found my little indoor grow room where I would grow just enough weed to supply myself with good herb to treat my MS condition. the room is only five feet by six feet. it is at the top most part of our church, nearly in the attic and very hidden away. A place I call the most holy of holy's. since we live in a state without a medical marijuana law, I was indeed breaking the law in order to treat my condition. However I was not selling or trafficking weed. the shit is far to valuable to me to sell it. I was only able to produce enough to last me about one year per grow. I had set up a nice little hydro system and over the years have learned my technique from sites like this.praises to Grass City. The cops knew nothing of my grow, it was just a bonus. after all they were breaking in our door looking for my nephews weed. turns out my nephew had indeed hidden some trim in our freezer. a paper shopping bag full of leaves,stems and trim that he was planning to run thru my hash bags when he got a chance. the cops claimed they found over ten and half pounds. I call bullshit on this. I was about two weeks away from my hydro harvest witch would only be about 3/4 of a pound and the trim in the freezer maybe a pound or two of shit. But we know how cops are, right. this was going to be the biggest bust of the county by the time they were done. My girlfriend and I were transported to the county jail on Friday morning at 1:00 am April 1st. charged with felony possession of controlled substance, schedule 1. Due to my condition at the time they had to put me in a wheelchair to get me through the jail. My girlfriend's condition is even more serious than mine as she is in great pain most of the time. she has had an uncounted number of hospitalizations over the last year alone, including a stay at the Mayo clinic where they were still unable to help her. I was very worried about her and what this jail would do to her. fortunately for her, Her parents were able to get her out with a lawyer and a special hearing before a Judge. they decided it was a medical emergency and released her to the custody of her parent's at about mid-day on Friday. they had to take her directly to the hospital for treatment, she was in such great pain it becomes life threatening. Imagine this, at the age of 47 years she is released to the custody of her aging parent's.
    I on the other hand was left to rot in their stinking hellhole of a jail over the long weekend. suffering from the ravishes of MS along with a kidney stone ripping me apart from the inside. their jail was in no way handicap accessible and the staff seemed to really enjoy my pain. I was given no medical attention. in fact just the opposite. the jailhouse doctor called my clinic and told them I was arrested for trafficking over twenty five pounds of marijuana. And said not to prescribe me any more narcotics for my MS condition. and this was before I had even been charged with anything yet. this doctor who I had never seen, who had never seen me was now taking over my medical care. he prescribed me a pill to get me through withdrawal from my narcotics without even seeing me. had I known what they were giving me, I would have refused. but I was lead to believe this pill was a painkiller like aspirin by the jail nurse. I took the pill for one day, then refused it because it was messing with my heart rate. I figured I didn't need that on top of all the rest I was dealing with. So I suffered away until finally Monday arrived and I was given a sheet of paper and told to sign it before I could go to court. " what is this" I asked. "those are your rights" I was told. it was impossible for me to read these rights as my condition had me seeing double at this time. But I signed the paper anyways because I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I was released on bail and wheeled from the court room.
    When I returned home my girlfriend said to me "We got them". "what do you mean"? I asked. "their warrant is no good" she said. And she was right. You see my girlfriend has seventeen years of experience working for a police department in a very large city. she was a secretary for the police and had typed out hundreds of search warrants over her years. she knew right away the warrant was no good and we contested the warrant in court and won. all charges dropped. all evidence suppressed.We now plan to sue the four law agency's and the county and state and the jail for what we were put through. I suffered a heart attack shortly after my release from jail. perhaps it was due to those pills they gave me at jail as this was the first time I noticed a problem with my heart. either way we intend to sue the hell out of all involved in violating our rights. the judge did not even read the warrant before he signed it. if he had he would of seen the glaringly huge mistake they made on it. fortunately for me, a former police secretary caught what a judge did not. we are now looking for a law firm to represent us in our civil suit. if anyone knows of a lawyer who might be interested in representing two handicapped people who's civil rights were violated on many different fronts you can contact me at e-mail badwarrant at hotmail dot com
  2. Fuck the pigs man, I hope you get paid mad cash
  3. Sue the shit out of these fuckers make sure justice is served.
  4. Haha I loved this. I'm very sorry about your condition and what you went through though. I know someone with MS, and when I asked their spouse what condition they had they instead told their husband with MS that I was making fun of them and laughing at them.

    I still get glares to this day..pretty pissed about it.
  5. sorry about what you had to go through man.. glad you were able to beat it at least.

  6. Wall of texts like this just really piss me off.

    Double space, you didn't even indent you got this all wrong.

    Fuck do I ever hate people like this.

  7. people that quote the entire wall of text instead of just replying are even worse ;)

    that's a really unfortunate series of events OP. do you know what ended up happening to your nephew? best of luck suing, it's not easy to beat the "upholders" of the law at their own game.
  8. [quote name='"OpenMindFields"']

    Wall of texts like this just really piss me off.

    Double space, you didn't even indent you got this all wrong.

    Fuck do I ever hate people like this.[/quote]

    Dude, you quoted a whole wall of text to let everyone know how much you hate walls of text? I don't even......
  9. OP, you can win this case. By them dropping all of the charges they've already admitted they fucked up, now its time to find a lawyer or a whole team of lawyers to decide just how much they owe you in damages
  10. [quote name='"Husky42"']Stupid fucking post.. why.. because the OP is an uneducated douche who refuses to hit enter and appropriately punctuate his post.

    aka.. tldr lame ass post.

    Also knowing how law enforcement tends to work, I call bullshit on the post as well...also Last I checked New York and MN are pretty fucking far apart.

    Fucking hate liars[/quote]

    Yo man watch yourself, name calling isnt allowed on here. This site is for mature individuals who can share their love for the herb, not so people like you can have their trolling urges met and spread hate everywhere. Change your attitude.

    On that note, OP, i wish you all the luck in your case. You deserve a win over these bastard cops
  11. because somebody doesn't punctuate means its all of a sudden not true? are you kidding me..
  12. [quote name='"Husky42"']Stupid fucking post.. why.. because the OP is an uneducated douche who refuses to hit enter and appropriately punctuate his post.

    aka.. tldr lame ass post.

    Also knowing how law enforcement tends to work, I call bullshit on the post as well...also Last I checked New York and MN are pretty fucking far apart.

    Fucking hate liars[/quote]

    Oh my God....are all 1200 or so of your posts this angry? Yikes!
  13. Oh cry me a river. This OP is a flat out liar. A little investigation goes a long ways.

    And I could care less what you "think" this site is for or if there are any "trolling" urges.

    Liars are Liars.
  14. #14 Husky42, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    Search post.. he's a damn teenage/young adult Stoner from Minnesota..yall were trolled...yea i could very much be wrong, but things do not add up. And well, bullshit can be smelled from a mile away.
  15. #15 RedEyesHigh420, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2011
    [quote name='"Husky42"']Stupid fucking post.. why.. because the OP is likely liar/troll who refuses to hit enter and appropriately punctuate his post.

    aka.. tldr lame ass post.

    Also knowing how law enforcement tends to work, I call bullshit on the post as well...also Last I checked New York and MN are pretty fucking far apart.

    Fucking hate liars[/quote]
    Humor me, so you don't go off on a ' HE ISH UNDERAGE ' tangent.

    Did you not realize he said he is disabled? Disabled people who suffer from multiple ailments tend not to bother too much with spellchecking and grammatical correctness. I should know, my mother has MS, vertigo, she beat breast cancer but still suffers from chemo side effects, and has had 4 minor strokes, but she's a trooper at 48 years old and uses technology such as a laptop and mytouch 3g phone.

    OP, if your alleged story is true, I commend you.
  16. [quote name='"Deriv"']

    Eat a dick troll..

    Glad you caught them on this OP, I hope they get whats coming to them!:hello:[/quote]

    Lol, fuck the police.
  17. An ordained minister who calls a grow room "the holiest of holy's" and swears constantly and doesn't use correct grammar? Rightttt. Fake thread, show me the police report or news story
  18. I don't know man, I used to smoke weed with one years ago who cussed and listened to rock music. He was in his 50's and I was probably around 20 at the time. We worked together and I would hit up his place after work and we would smoke each other up and just bullshit for awhile. He never got all preachy on me either.

    OP, sue every one of those fuckers out of a job.
  19. #19 Ninjaballs, Nov 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2011
    Dont be a douche, if i was on my fone id be scrolling twice as long. If you didn't know, you can shorten the quote before you post.

    Name-Calling is not allowed here. - KSR
  20. You're the one acting like a troll here. This is a website full of stoners, you don't seem to have a laid back attitude so this must mean your a "insert name calling word here that starts with a T". Now leave and never come back.
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