Business Ethics: McDonalds

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Poisongage, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. HAHAHA! "Does Ronald McDonald need to slap a bitch"

    I used to work at McDonalds during the night and anytime someone came through that looked stoned, i'd throw some extra food in. imagine how many peoples nights i've made better
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  2. Nice :)
  3. Yeah but aren't those things run in like franchises and shit? You would have to convince every single franchise owner and that would be sketch.
  4. Dirty rotten scoundrels :mad:

    Imagine how much money they really do make doing this....even if it were unintentional. How many people never check their bags til they get home and then don't bother to go back and bitch?

    My husband is like that and it pisses me off. We'll go to the drive through and as soon as they hand the bag out, he's pulling away. I tell him let me check the bag first, and he bitches at me cause there's people in line behind us and he don't want to hold the line up. Who gives a rat's ass, I say. It only takes a second to look in your bag and count your items :confused_2:

    I remember one time, they shorted us an order of fries. We weren't even out of the parking lot and I told the hubby we were one fry short...stop and let me out, I'll go in and get the fries from them. Oh, hell, no....he says...fuck it! He'll go without fries. Needless to say, he didn't go without fries...he ate half of mine :mad:
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  5. Of course. This thread was hardly meant to show how McDonalds as a brand does it's business, but rather how some of their franchise-takers choose to "earn" their income.

    It's been a big talking point for a long time that fast food vendors cheat their customers on a regular basis, one way or the other, this is just an example of that. :)
  6. Hahahahahahaha :D

    Yeah, i've worked retail in a chain of "high-end" supermarkets, so i know that every business based on services and goods will cheat their customers as much as the law and common sense let's them get away with. Appearances are deceiving.
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  7. #8 Daerth182, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    Wow that's so lame!! I can't believe they would do that. I know it's probably not the way the whole company operates, and realistically this could be happening within any corporation but it's still hurtin'.

    Thanks for showing us this!

  8. You're telling me you've never been shorted on an order from a fast food vendor ? :eek:

    I thought that was a trauma everybody went through. You must be a unicorn. You know, a creature of the imagination :D
  9. This completely justifies me giving a pocket full of shit to the asshole/bitch that leaves out my mcdouble...

    ...matter of fact, those 'fire in the hole' videos on youtube are now that much funnier.

  10. Haha! No sorry I should have been clearer. I have DEFINITELY been shorted orders before, several times, I just assumed that they were all accidents. I suppose I have too much faith in the human populous lol. I just meant that I never thought they would purposely do it, let alone send out a letter plotting and brainstorming. Nonsense!!

    After seeing this I guess people really do sometimes have evil, ulterior motives behind things.
  11. This happened to me this morning at McDonalds :mad:
  12. You had me worried there :D

    Fuck'em :smoke:
  13. That doesn't suprise me one bit. People are always trying to pitch pennies.
  14. If they kept a small fry or cheeseburger from every order, it says they would make roughly $2,118 per day. :eek:

    Doesn't quite make sense to me though. Does that mean that over 2,000 people go to that McDonald's each day...?

    That would be hectic as shit.
  15. Sorry must be stoned.. but what is going on in this thread and why is everyone upset? haha

    So people are getting shorted on their what? it happens... don't like it? Go to another restaurant.. hahaha :D
  16. People shouldn't be eating there anyways? :confused_2:
  17. Why is everyone upset ? Well... :hello:

    Right. :smoke:

    and this is just another reason not to. Not that you'd need more reasons not to go to McD's.
  18. Not like this letter could be faked or anything... :rolleyes:
  19. So it must be our duty to go through the drive up and then leave the Big Mac on the seat and go inside and get another!!! Problem solved.

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