Bush 1 vs. Bush 2

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deutschbag, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. What are your thoughts on the differences between Bush's two terms?

    I saw this on another board and thought I would post it here to get your opinions.
  2. No difference...Same Cock Sucker different generation!

  3. Intelligent answer.
  4. Former Leader of CIA Vs. Former cokehead/alcoholic born agian christian.

    This is hard.

  5. This about the terms not the difference between H.W. and jr.
  6. it still bush

    fuck him
  7. I'm going with HW for his rad bowling skills

    But seriously, HW fucked up the trickle down government that Reagan created, he allowed it to get to big and the money did not trickle down as it should have. Bush Jr, was not allowed to do much in his 8 years, he pretty much just coasted.

    HW was more of a fuckup when it comes down to overall, JR had underlying problems that helped hurt the economy that he could not control.

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