burying water container under the root zone?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by tuone, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. I was thinking of taking a 1 gallon container, covering it with a stiff drumskin of potato sack type material, and burying half under plant zone... so that the plant will have a gallon of pure water directly under it, which it will have reached after 1-2 months with it's roots, so it is more happy in mid summer.

  2. You mean so your plants roots can grow Into a 1 gal bucket that will have nasty stale one month old water in it. Doesn't sound like the best idea. Sounds like you will have to get out there and water more.
  3. At most garden shops you can buy water storage crystals. You mix some with water and it soaks up and makes a lumpy gel mixture. It absorbs all the water you put in then after an hour or so its ready to mix into the soil where your plant will go. The water will stay in gel form and the roots will absorb it as they need
  4. Thanks! i heard that the water gel is abit unrecommended for edible products. perhaps i would send a wick from a tub into the ground through a garden hose, i wish someone had invented a moisture reactive mechanical valve by now!
  5. I have no idea what you mean, you mix the gel with the soil and your plant feeds off the water as it needs, its just an effort saver, good for outdoor plants you won't be checking on much

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