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Burning some while takin a shit.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by T0k3y the bear, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Hahah has anyone ever smoked a blunt or took a nice rip while sittin on the can? I've done it a few times
  2. #2 RobertDowneyJr, Jan 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2010
    I call this the Bluntkin-- similar to the Blumpkin but you replace the BJ with a blunt, and it is glorious :smoking:
  3. WOW i can't wait!!!
  4. I thought I was the only one... I do this almost every time I take a shit :smoking:
  5. LMFAO. All the time.
  6. Was going to make a thread about this, and you have already done it.

    I have not yet, but I enjoy feeling less wierd about natrual processes, so I might.
  7. Where else would I toke my Brown Bomber at?
  8. Yo I do this pretty frequently lol sometimes after toking I pick up something to read too. The key to this though is REMEMBER to wipe. I've had a few scares where I forgot what the fuck I was doing and just got off the porcelain. NOT COOL
  9. yeap, and my boy waking in and i was using a one hitter blowing it the window cuz nooone knew we smoked yet. He walks in asking me if i was doing crak, my ass sittin half naked on the toilet bowl pointed tward the window with a little ass pipe in my mouth....
  10. Tyrone biggums "Remember what the Bible says: He who is without sin, cast the first rock. And I shall smoketh it!"
  11. My husband's morning ritual...he sits on the can with a joint, a cup of coffee, and the newspaper. Every single morning. :p
  12. when i go to smoke in the shower ill take a duece while hitting a bong or bub. its pretty sweet i feel like a king or something
  13. If I had my own place I would do this all the time. Mark Twain once said defecation was the single most underappreciated human activity, so combining it with getting blazed would be glorious. Someday...
  14. Me and my friends were just talking about this last night, it definatly is the best way to blaze
  15. Sure. In fact, this morning I did, just seconds before I saw this post. I apparently drank too much last night, and to remedy that, I started smoking as soon as I woke up (obviously, what else would you do?). I then felt an explosive combination of rum, coors light, carona, and birthday cake brewing near the brown eye. I sat down, but still being sick, had my bong. Huge bong rip, a lil too big.

    If you ever want to see truly explosive diarrhea, cough while peeing alcohol out of your ass.
  16. Im thinking I should invest in a bong just for the bathroom, get one thats the right height so you can hit in on the can no problems. haha that would killer
  17. ahahaha
  18. hahahaha this is funny. I packed a g into my bubbler a few weeks ago and burned it to my face on the shitter a few weeks ago. Sat down sober and constricted, got up stoned and open-minded. It was especially amusing for some reason.
  19. Best thing to do.
  20. I haven't done it but I'm definitely going to do that soon.

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