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Burning my Herb.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cdoggg674, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I have a Vape2go portable vaporizer and I can't seem to just take a nice vape hit w/o burning it. I have tried everything, more screens, glass, foil, etc.... Any suggestions would be great.
  2. Have U Lowered the temperature,,,,,,,,, :}
  3. Not quite sure how urs is set up, but like Griff said low temp and if u inhale quicker its shouldnt burn
  4. Yea but when its turned down it takes forever and starts getting so hot u cant hold on to the thing and by then it catches my herb on fire
  5. @bmoney8806. I was told that inhaling hard makes the fire come up quicker easily burning it
  6. idk if urs is digital but i use to try and aim to vap around 365-375 F.. How fast you inhale depends on the temp and the results u will get. It takes a learning curve with all vaps to get the correct vapor

  7. Someone can correct me i was told the other way. I use a DBV and not familiar with ur vap. With a quicker inhale the hot air will pass through the vap faster so it doesnt have as much time to burn the herb.

    This is how it works with mine
  8. Vape2Go is a cheap hand held and what you pay for is what you get. Personally I think the best portable Vape out on the market as of right now is the Magic Flight Launch Box.

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