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Burning in the Snow Hut tonight.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by raptorwalk111, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. k guys. I obviously don't post often but I thought I would share tonights plans with you guys. Over the past two days our area has gotten about a foot and a half of snow. so what do I do? I make a motherfuckin snow hut. Its two rooms, and has enough space to fit about 4 people. So tonight me and my lovely are going to burn some of that green stuff inside said snow hut. I can't wait. Just thought I would share. lol

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  2. thats badass, if that doesn't get you laid then nothing will, we just built a snowfort between our apartment buildings for similar purposes
    by the way i also hope to someday be a flying raptor
  3. dang man thats freakin sweet, i wish id be able to do something like that.
  4. I did that last weekend! It was so sick. At first we were worried that it would stank up our sleeping bags but it didn't at all. It was so amazing.:smoke:
  5. That takes me back to growing up =) I am from western NY, and my brother and I used to make tunnels in the snow piles that were made when they plowed our driveway off the edge into the back yard =)

    That looks like so much fun! lay a tarp out, put a sleeping bag down so you aren't sitting in snow, maybe light a candle for light and relax =)
  6. You in the midwest? Snow all over the place here, more coming on Tuesday/Wednesday. My girlfriend and I attempted to build a block-style fort on our deck but got tired of carrying buckets of snow upstairs.

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