Burned root tips / Drooping leaves

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by royw176, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Hey all!

    Quick question about a problem I am having.

    I've got eleven baby ak-47s growing in a black, plastic cloning tray that is surrounded by a cardboard box lined with mylar. Holes have been cut, and drilled to allow maximum air circulation.

    Humidity : 40 - 50 %
    Temp : Night 70F Day 74..ish.
    Watering with distilled, PH adjusted water (5.8 - 6.0 )
    They are in 1" rockwool cubes that were conditioned for 24 hours @ 6.0PH
    They're under two, 300 watt equivalent CFLS, 6 inches away from the top of the leaves.

    Today, I lifted one of the cubes out of the tray and noticed the tips of the roots were burned. I'm thinking this is because the tips of the roots are exposed to nothing but air when they are not being watered.

    The stems have a red-ish tint to them that starts at the bottom, and fades to green-ish towards the top. Other than this slight discoloration, the stems do look healthy. Maybe this coloring comes with the strain?

    The leaves are also starting to droop something fierce, although we aren't watering but once a day, when the rockwool just about dries out.

    Any ideas? I'm quite baffled by all of this. I could of sworn I was doing everything perfect!

    Thanks guys! :confused:..:smoking:..:D Whateverrr.
  2. are these clones? if so tips burning just means they are using energy to root. pics would be nice.
  3. Thanks for the quick reply!

    No sir, they are not clones. They were started from seed.

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