What a day, only a half an hour more and I get to go home and smoke a joint to relax and forget about the day from hell. I have always been a cancer nurse and so I wouldnt lose whats left of my sanity, I transferred to the OB/Nursery unit. It has to be one of the happiest places on earth on most days. But today, for almost an hour I tried to bring this baby back and all my efforts were of no use. To have to look at a mother after she has spent 16 hrs in hard labor and tell her there was nothing I could do..........it tears my heart out. When I did cancer work, at least the older people had a chance to live their life out the way they wanted to. Here, the babies are so innocent and it pains me that they weren't even given the chance to take one breath. But anyway, this part of the hospital is bringing out the motherly side in me that I didnt know existed. I never wanted children but I love them dearly (I now raise the 7 yr old from hell). LOL. But I feel so rewarded just nurturing these critical care babies and rocking them.........it scares me that maybe in the future I may want to have kids. Because I always swore...........ABSOLUTELY NO KIDS!!!!!!!! Well, my babies are crying so I have to go. I hope everyone is enjoying the start of their weekend. Burn one for me until I can get home.
I'll do better than that. This stoning is for you. My heart goes out to you and the mother of the baby! I know that had to be real hard! On a lightr note Good Karma is coming your way!!!
I'm still waiting on my good karma but at least I'm helping and giving to others. That means more to me than anything else. But I'm stoned and relaxed now so everything is all better. My bubble bath helped as well!!!!!!! At least I'm off this weekend so I can do some one on one bonding with my best friend.
WOW! That's just too much for heart to handle...(yeah, I can be sensitive, folks). It's really cool that you do what you do, flowerchild. It would tear me up taking care of those babies. I have the motherly instinct but having and raising a kid is SO huge and something I have also said I'd never do! Whoa!! The responsibility is overwhelming! I really respect all of you guys who do it and do it well! I prefer to 'borrow' peoples babies when I get that fever to reproduce...it always wakes my ass up and puts everything back into perspective. Anyway, I'm glad you're relaxed and stoned, now!!!! Bubbles rock, don't they???
Bonding with others always help. That is the way I deal with lifes underhanded ways. No one knows what will be handed to them next. Just try and deal with life one day at a time. We love you!!!!!
I love all of you guys as well. And bubble baths with candles has to be one of the most perfect indulgences in the world. It makes all my worries evaporate or at least disappear into a forgotten part of my brain. I burn this next joint for all my grasscity buds...........may you all have the good karma that you each deserve.
I'll give you one better Flowerchild. Bubblebath with candles and a back rub from a person that cares more about how it makes you feel instead of getting through with it! Maybe even the added pleasures of being caressed and made feel like queens really do exist!
You mean there are men out there that actually care about making you feel like a queen? I'm amazed......I guess I'm missing out on some of the best things in life. LOL. So all I have to say is that you shouldn't have run away so soon.......I needed a personal genie to help me relieve my frustrations. LOL!!!!!!!!!
now i feel bad because you really needed me so bad!!! All I can say is i'll get back as soon as i can. Please don't use the cow poker on me again. I didn't mind the bull whip to bad but that poker hurt like hell!
Don't feel bad..........I thought you enjoyed the cow poker. I thought those were screams of ectasy not pain. My bad!!!!!
This is getting so confusing............I find myself repeating the same things on two different posts. But I thought your tears came from utter enjoyment. I done thought that I had rocked your world!!!!!!
You definately rocked my world but damn that HURT!!!! Now my doctor is going to have to do skin graphs!
What can I say? I let my red headed side take over once I had that whip in my hands!!!! But I promise every place that I hurt, I will kiss and make it ALL better.
I'm always glad to help my run away genie.......especially when I was the one that caused your need for skin graphs.
I would give those extra special spots tons of tender, loving care since it was my fault that I got carried away with the cow poker!!!!! LOL
Good karma is always great critter! Thamks for being concerned Flowerchild about my special spots. I don't know if you remember all the places that you used the cow poker. You must have been stond, drunk, and tired to have tortured me so much. I almost put a curse on you!!! I think you'll love me in a good way from now on (i hope).